Search found 2 matches

by skywise
Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:48 pm
Forum: PC configuration
Topic: My server PC
Replies: 24
Views: 251952

Re: My server PC

I'm one of the ones who got finger-wagged at on ipcam for doing VM BI. I'm an ESX lover and I have an old 2009 Mac Pro that I've updated/converted into a house VM server. Mac Pro with 2xX5690 with 12 cores @ 3.5GHz 128G of DDR3 ECC RAM 500G SSD for the VMs themselves. 4T spinner for BI video and VM ...
by skywise
Wed Jul 31, 2019 2:25 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Android TV client (Leanback)
Replies: 28
Views: 49693

Re: Android TV client (Leanback)

I would love a TV client of some sort. I have a ChromeBox in the kitchen hooked to a touchscreen monitor displaying ui3 and it's a great setup, works very well. But there are no computers in the living room so I have no idea if the dog would like in if I'm in there. I'd prefer an aTV app myself but ...