Add non-camera rtsp audio source

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Add non-camera rtsp audio source

Post by SomebodySysop »

Blue Iris 5.5.5

I have created an rtsp stream from a powered mic I have attached to a linux system. It is essentially a non-camera rtsp audio source (no video).

I want to add it to Blue Iris as an audio source. When I add the rtsp url to Blue Iris, I get "No Signal, RTSP Bad 400 Request". And no audio, even though it is enabled.

Is it possible to add a video source like this, and if so, how?

no signal error from audio only rtsp stream 2022-02-15_22-21-17.png
no signal error from audio only rtsp stream 2022-02-15_22-21-17.png (35.32 KiB) Viewed 4100 times
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Re: Add non-camera rtsp audio source

Post by TimG »

What happens if you add a video source ? As a test you could clone an existing camera. Just wondering if BI is throwing the toys out of the pram due to the lack of video.
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Re: Add non-camera rtsp audio source

Post by YrbkMgr »

I've not seen an implementation like that before. Out of curiosity, what are you trying to accomplish by adding a microphone to BI? Often time people come up with a strategy of how they want it to work, instead of what they're trying to accomplish. I'm not saying you're one of them, but if you elaborate on the use case, there may be other ways to skin the cat.
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Re: Add non-camera rtsp audio source

Post by SomebodySysop »

Thanks for the reply. The URI was correct because I used the very same one with VLC. I think the issue is that Blue Iris won't recognize the URI unless it contains a video stream. Mines only contained an audio stream.

I resolved the problem by attaching the microphone to a video encoder (instead of a regular pc), and it works -- presumably because the encoder sends a video signal even though there is no camera attached. In any event, Blue Iris accepts this URI with no issues.
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Re: Add non-camera rtsp audio source

Post by SomebodySysop »

YrbkMgr wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:56 pm I've not seen an implementation like that before. Out of curiosity, what are you trying to accomplish by adding a microphone to BI? Often time people come up with a strategy of how they want it to work, instead of what they're trying to accomplish. I'm not saying you're one of them, but if you elaborate on the use case, there may be other ways to skin the cat.
I have two cameras on my garage door (one pointing east, the other west, in each others view). Neither camera has audio. So, I thought I'd put a microphone between the two that both could use. Since I have a pc in the garage, I just connected the mic to the audio jack. I used ffmpeg to create an rtsp stream of the live feed. Problem is that Blue Iris won't accept stream without video.

Fixed the problem by attaching microphone to video encoder, which sends video signal even though there is no camera attached to it.
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Re: Add non-camera rtsp audio source

Post by YrbkMgr »

Ooooh, check out the big brain on Brett!!! Clever workaround - love that. Did you attach the microphone to a physical video encoder?
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Re: Add non-camera rtsp audio source

Post by SomebodySysop »

TimG wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 5:55 pm What happens if you add a video source ? As a test you could clone an existing camera. Just wondering if BI is throwing the toys out of the pram due to the lack of video.
When I add video signal (whether there is video or not), it works.
Ooooh, check out the big brain on Brett!!! Clever workaround - love that. Did you attach the microphone to a physical video encoder?
Yes, I attached the microphone to a physical video encoder. Specifically, an HDView encoder: ... UTF8&psc=1
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Re: Add non-camera rtsp audio source

Post by ballade4 »

Following up on this as an interested party. I understand that the Analog to IP converter route will yield the ability to add the device to BlueIris as an audio stream without a video stream. Will this converter also function with a digital-to-3.5mm microphone such as the one linked below or do I specifically need an analog microphone for this route to be viable? ... e-products
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