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Configure help needed - error moving file from stored to nas backup
Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:33 pm
by Goldstein
Title says it all
I get an error when blue iris tries to move a file from local storage (stored) to my NAS
I can access the nas drive on my pc so that isn’t the issue

- 99F98517-BF69-43D6-95BB-34BFDE7F5661.jpeg (23.49 KiB) Viewed 5143 times

- 1AE752BA-2550-40B7-A9C7-53CA5052DD28.png (138.04 KiB) Viewed 5143 times

- 0B7BD4DB-7E66-478F-97CE-274BA49B60F5.jpeg (26.16 KiB) Viewed 5143 times
Need guidance on what I’m doing wrong
Re: Configure help needed - error moving file from stored to nas backup
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:46 am
by mikecam
The problem could be with blueiris running as admin but the fileshare only has your user rights. Eg you can write to the folder on your NAS but if you run as a admin on windows it can not write.
Open up a command prompt - start or search - RIGHT CLICK and click run as administrator.
cd z: drive or whatever "letter" you have mapped your shared folder too. My first guess is that won't work.
then mkdir test
Did that work? if not its a problem on your NAS shared folder.
Option1: Shared folder on NAS as guest
Try create a shared folder on NAS with guess access then try the above. It should work and then try using the guest folder in blueiris it should also work and if it does you will need to map the network drive as admin or whatever your blueiris service is running under, from the top of my head its administrator. So the user the blueiris is running under must be the same user that has access to your shared nas folder.
Option2: Shared folder as user
go back into command prompt as administrator - right click
remap the drive letter for your shared folder under that user by
This command: net use z: \\NAS\Sharedfolder /user:???? /persistent:Yes
then cd z:
then mkdir test2
It should work and readd that to blueiris as it should also work
Re: Configure help needed - error moving file from stored to nas backup
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:42 pm
by Thixotropic
Good stuff- this ought to be in the manual as an addendum or in a "How-To" troubleshooting guide. Thanks for posting it.
mikecam wrote: ↑Wed Oct 21, 2020 10:46 am
Did that work? if not its a problem on your NAS shared folder.
Option1: Shared folder on NAS as guest
Try create a shared folder on NAS with guess access then try the above. It should work and then try using the guest folder in blueiris it should also work and if it does you will need to map the network drive as admin or whatever your blueiris service is running under, from the top of my head its administrator. So the user the blueiris is running under must be the same user that has access to your shared nas folder.
Option2: Shared folder as user
go back into command prompt as administrator - right click
remap the drive letter for your shared folder under that user by
This command: net use z: \\NAS\Sharedfolder /user:???? /persistent:Yes
then cd z:
then mkdir test2
It should work and readd that to blueiris as it should also work