I am having a heck of a time getting my driveway camera to reliably alert when an object travels from the street into my yard/driveway. I feel like this should be a pretty simple operation, yet, I just watched my wife come home from a walk, check the mailbox across the street, then walk into our garage, and it won't trigger. My current settings work when a car pulls in, but not when a person walks up. I can get triggers when I DON'T have zone crossing on... but if I do that, I get notifications all day long from the trees and cloud coverage.
I have tried using Sentry AI, but as of a few weeks ago they removed the (beta) vehicle detection so when I have it on, it doesn't tell me when a car pulls up.
I do have things set to continuously record, so this problem is only about getting notifications/triggers. I want a notification when a person or a car pulls into the driveway.
I set up a simple test scenario tonight while my wife went for a walk. I was hoping to get a trigger when she came back, but it didn't happen.
I have the sensitivity settings ALL the way down for this test.

I have set up two non-overlapping zones, A and B:

And a catchall zone G:

Here is a screen capture of me replaying the event with the "test run video through motion detector" setting turned on.
I just can't see what I am doing wrong and how this obvious motion walking straight from zone A to zone B isn't triggering. (there would be a red box around the window if it triggered)
If I take off the zone crossing setting under object detection, I get a trigger as soon as she walks into frame.
Using the same settings on an earlier event when a car pulled into the driveway, I got a trigger too, so I know it is capable of triggering and it's not like it doesn't work at all.
I am stumped.
I don't have this problem with my doorbell camera, I get very reliable results with that, but it requires the person to walk from the driveway/yard up to the walkway on the porch. If they don't walk up to the porch, I don't get notified.
I thought maybe the distance that the driveway camera is placed from could be the problem, but since I have the object size and contrast all the way down, and because BI is obviously detecting the motion as you can see in the video, it's just not tracking it between the two zones.
Hopefully somebody has some insight and sorry if this post is too rambly, it's hard to get all of the details down and I am trying to make sure I express that I covered the basics!
Thank you for any help you can offer!