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Data Usage

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 1:12 am
by YabbySensors
Hi All,

We have a fairly uniquely application. We are building solar satellite cameras for remote farms in Australia. We have a solar system with a IP camera and a mini computer running BI. We are limited to 5MB/month of satellite data. Through BI we are providing emailed low resolution daily snapshot (around 120KB). The system comes on once a day for 10 minutes via an external timer, takes a photos and is then switched off via the timer.

The issue that we have not been able to resolve is the BI background data use even for such a short period of time. It appears that Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is the main culprit for data use but unsure how to resolve. However we are also trying to get the data as lean as possible so any other suggestions are welcome

Thanks in advance
Yabby Sensors

Re: Data Usage

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:24 pm
by Matts1984
Interesting use case. Out of curiosity, have you opened a ticket with support on this? It seems like something up Ken's alley and honestly he would be the best to answer for a super lean installation. If you're only trying to fetch one or two images from each camera - on demand - once a day then it might be in how you're configuring the cameras within BI. I'm using continuous 24x77 streaming which is obviously the opposite of what you want.

I'll definitely follow as I'm interested, but sorry, do not have the answer.

Re: Data Usage

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 11:23 pm
by YabbySensors
Thanks for the response. I agree, might be easiest to open a ticket