I'm not even sure how to describe it...in the Blue Iris log, the amount of free space just kept growing until there was essentially no video left on the drive. Tons of debug errors that I don't understand. I wondered if the drive had somehow become corrupt, but I scanned the drive for errors and there were none.
And then yesterday, it just started working again as if nothing had ever happened. In all my years in the PC support business, I've never seen anything quite like it. Dead drives, sure, but never one that suddenly became undead. File system corruption? Plenty of times, but never self un-corrupting.
Any ideas? Thoughts? Anyone?
9TB of video...just gone
Re: 9TB of video...just gone
Could be database corruption again. Seems to be quite a bit of it about at the moment. Your pc if set to default might attempt to sort out the database at 02:00 so that could answer the zombie resurrection 

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Re: 9TB of video...just gone
Thanks for that thought. I've certainly had my share of database corruption, so I may be wrong, but I feel like the database is fine this time. Although thinking about it, I suppose that Blue Iris might have incorrectly assumed that the drive was full, so it just kept deleting files until none were left? But then I didn't rebuild the database, and it seems to be working fine today. I honestly don't get it.
I got Western Digital involved, but they insist that there is nothing wrong with the drive. I'm running Western Digital's S.M.A.R.T. Extended Diagnostic even now, but it's going VERY slowly.
I also sent the BI log file to Ken, so I am hoping that he will reply before too much longer...maybe he has seen such a thing before.
Re: 9TB of video...just gone
Hi, yes, BI5 will automatically do clean up and database repairs at 02:00 unless you change it. I reset that to 09:00 as I want it looking for bad guys when it's dark.
The BI5 db is well capable of doing what you mentioned, but please let us know if Ken has any thoughts.
The BI5 db is well capable of doing what you mentioned, but please let us know if Ken has any thoughts.
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Re: 9TB of video...just gone
So did it also stop recording?
Do you have the option to save logs enabled as that might give you a clue as to what might have happened.
I also assume that when looks within the folder the BVR files are gone?
Do you have the option to save logs enabled as that might give you a clue as to what might have happened.
I also assume that when looks within the folder the BVR files are gone?
Re: 9TB of video...just gone
I know it's been a WHILE, but the loss never was resolved. I believe that Ken has since added a sort of watchdog feature, intended to prevent errant deletion of video files in the case of a database error. I feel like that's what happened in my case.