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Upgrade CPU and Motherboard ONLY
Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 10:40 pm
by Andykev
I want to remove my current motherboard and i7-6700 and upgrade to a "Windows 11" compatable CPU, motherboard, and memory.
My intention is to simply unplug the SATA connections, remove the old motherbord, and install a new one with an i5-13500 CPU. (or similar). The CPU i select will be a max. of 65w TDP since the system is on 24/7 and I am running only two high resolution IP cameras.
My question is will the BI software "know" there is a new motherboard and CPU, even though all the original HDD's and SSD's are unchanged?
PS. I know the i7-6700 is great, and can run the system with no internet, but I do have remote access configured via VPN so I will need to look forward to Windows 11.
Re: Upgrade CPU and Motherboard ONLY
Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 2:34 am
by BruceH
You should also check to see if the hard drive is set to boot via BIOS or UEFI, open the "System Information" on your existing computer and look for the BIOS MODE hopefully it says UEFI otherwise you may not be able to do the windows 11 to upgrade even with the new hardware installed
Have you run the PC Health Check app to see what issues are present on your current system that will get fixed with the new motherboard and CPU?
From past experience, I would say that the blue iris software install will probably not notice the change, The windows program itself is going to need to reconfigure itself, you may have to load the driver software for the new motherboard and manually uninstall any software that was specific to the old motherboard.
If all of the prior items are resolved then before you start I would suggest that you download all of the related software and drivers for the new motherboard onto the old computer so that they will be available in case you have any issues with connecting to the internet when you first power on the computer with the new motherboard and CPU.
Re: Upgrade CPU and Motherboard ONLY
Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 5:20 am
by Andykev
Excellent points I believe the BI computer is UEFI on a NVMe drive for the Windows 10 and the BI program, and all recordings are on WD Purple drives.
I have quite a few months before the official "end of life" for support, so I am currently browsing for sale items for a MB and CPU. Since there is no rush, I am afforded leisure to seek out a capable CPU to run BI. Most any "new generation" Intel chip will exceed my old i7-6700. With more cores and better UHD Graphics...and my focus on a low power consumption 65w TDP. I don't want "over clocking" and issues with thermal, and prefer to keep the utility bills from getting any more expensive. It's astonishing to see how many items, IoT, or gadgets all requiring a power cord or charger compared to how things were back in the 90's or earlier.
Thanks you.
Re: Upgrade CPU and Motherboard ONLY
Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 8:34 am
by IAmATeaf
BI won’t really care providing the existing disks appear with the same drive letters in the new system.
If you’re going to be binning the i7 I’d be interested in giving it a good home

My current PC has an i5-6500 so would make a nice update.