I know your first post seems pretty self-explanatory, and I didn't see anything wrong your description of your settings, but could you include screenshot of Blue Iris Settings -> Clips and archiving for the New and Stored folders. Maybe someone else or I will see a configuration issue that is causing Blue Iris to think there is an over-allocation. Are you still waiting on an answer from Support@blueirissoftware.com? FYI, when addressing issues to support, make sure you included the E-mail support data from Blue Iris Settings -> About tab in the body of your e-mail, otherwise you may experience long delays.kayfersmum wrote: ↑Thu Aug 29, 2019 7:15 am Unfortunately this didn't work for me. I've been running this version since it's release and today woke up to a full PC error messageBack to the drawing board ...
Email to: support@blueirissoftware.com
Support data:
Version: Release x64
Service: No
Name: xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
Email: xxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xxx
Support: Extended
Expires: 1/12/2020 12:48:26 AM
OS: Windows 10 Pro
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz [21%]
RAM: 670.7M
Clips: 175 files, 320.4G/609.7G
Storage: C: +254.5G