Custom models only detect the below compared to default object detection
IPcam-combined Labels: - person, bicycle, car, motorcycle, bus, truck, bird, cat, dog, horse, sheep, cow, bear, deer, rabbit, raccoon, fox, skunk, squirrel, pig
IPcam-general Labels (includes dark models images): - person, vehicle
IPcam-animal Labels: - bird, cat, dog, horse, sheep, cow, bear, deer, rabbit, raccoon, fox, skunk, squirrel, pig
IPcam-dark Labels: - Bicycle, Bus, Car, Cat, Dog, Motorcycle, Person
license-plate Labels: - DayPlate, NightPlate
Plate Label: - Plate
Default Object Detection:
bicycle, car, motorbike, aeroplane, bus, train, truck, boat
traffic light, fire hydrant, stop sign, parking meter, bench
cat, dog, horse, sheep, cow, elephant, bear, zebra, giraffe
backpack, umbrella, handbag, tie, suitcase, frisbee, skis, snowboard, sports ball, kite, baseball bat, baseball glove, skateboard, surfboard, tennis racket
bottle, wine glass, cup, fork, knife, spoon, bowl
banana, apple, sandwich, orange, broccoli, carrot, hot dog, pizza, donut, cake
chair, sofa, pottedplant, bed, diningtable, toilet, tvmonitor, laptop, mouse, remote, keyboard, cell phone, microwave, oven, toaster, sink, refrigerator, book, clock, vase, scissors, teddy bear, hair drier, toothbrush