Break time ignored when AI is enabled
Break time ignored when AI is enabled
In BI versions
Worked fine up until - current I test each version as they come out.
Break time ignored when AI is enabled. ALL of my confirmed alerts are between 1:17 & 1:25 (Minute:seconds).
Break time:
End-Trigger... 3 seconds.
Max trigger/alert duration: 10 seconds.
Changing the break time values, AI & record settings does nothing.
I cant figure out why my alerts are all this length. Makes no sense.
Yes, I did contact support. They said 'if I used custom models'...!!! Replied that I do not use custom models. That was a little over a week ago.
Lots of people use custom models. I don't. Even this makes no sense to me. Why would custom models ignore Break times?
If I disable AI and use only motion detection, break time is used. Once I enabler AI, Break time is ignored.
I've tested this on both my desktops (which are exact clones)... Motherboard, NVMe's OS versions, Graphic card. The only difference is one desktop has 32gig of memory, where the other has 64gig.
I can only conclude that these changes were make for a purpose.
Makes BI unusable for me as all alerts are over 1 minute. Some are 2-3 minutes.
Not getting a response from BI. I'll try one more time.
I've already canceled my support renewal, which is coming up this December. I habe until that time to resolce this.
Meanwhile, I've reverted to
This is last version find/inspect worked for my cameras. This was fixed in a later update, but unfortunately it's in a version that's having this issue. So I'll be stuck on this version forever, if this isn't resolved.
It probably doesn;t matter anyway. I'm going blind unless I get surgery, and most likey won't be able to use BI in the future. It would be difficult for a blink person to configure and use BI & security cameras.
Problem solved.
Worked fine up until - current I test each version as they come out.
Break time ignored when AI is enabled. ALL of my confirmed alerts are between 1:17 & 1:25 (Minute:seconds).
Break time:
End-Trigger... 3 seconds.
Max trigger/alert duration: 10 seconds.
Changing the break time values, AI & record settings does nothing.
I cant figure out why my alerts are all this length. Makes no sense.
Yes, I did contact support. They said 'if I used custom models'...!!! Replied that I do not use custom models. That was a little over a week ago.
Lots of people use custom models. I don't. Even this makes no sense to me. Why would custom models ignore Break times?
If I disable AI and use only motion detection, break time is used. Once I enabler AI, Break time is ignored.
I've tested this on both my desktops (which are exact clones)... Motherboard, NVMe's OS versions, Graphic card. The only difference is one desktop has 32gig of memory, where the other has 64gig.
I can only conclude that these changes were make for a purpose.
Makes BI unusable for me as all alerts are over 1 minute. Some are 2-3 minutes.
Not getting a response from BI. I'll try one more time.
I've already canceled my support renewal, which is coming up this December. I habe until that time to resolce this.
Meanwhile, I've reverted to
This is last version find/inspect worked for my cameras. This was fixed in a later update, but unfortunately it's in a version that's having this issue. So I'll be stuck on this version forever, if this isn't resolved.
It probably doesn;t matter anyway. I'm going blind unless I get surgery, and most likey won't be able to use BI in the future. It would be difficult for a blink person to configure and use BI & security cameras.
Problem solved.
Re: Break time ignored when AI is enabled
The alerts changed to 1 minute 17 seconds.
Recently, they changed to 20-26 seconds - No explanation why. Same settings, same version
These same alerts on my main system on version are between 4 and 11 seconds.
I've had an ongoing case opened with BI support. I just sent them additional info.
The alerts changed to 1 minute 17 seconds.
Recently, they changed to 20-26 seconds - No explanation why. Same settings, same version
These same alerts on my main system on version are between 4 and 11 seconds.
I've had an ongoing case opened with BI support. I just sent them additional info.
Re: Break time ignored when AI is enabled
You seem to keep finding issues that I didn't know exist. Keep up the good work, and let us know if Support can sort it out 

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Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
Re: Break time ignored when AI is enabled
I stopped updating ages ago as I too was sick of an update breaking something else but then you do get forced to update as we use iOS and without a later update alerts stop working as the certs expire each year.
Re: Break time ignored when AI is enabled
In that case, I will need to find a different camera security software at least comparable to BI.
It's sad that BI has changed the algorithms on how alerts to Ai timings are processed. But then, I'm taking advantage of all options within BI. I can't be the only one using BI in this way.
Once I get near the end of support, I'll update, wait until after support ends, then revert back to Then, I should be able to update/test to the last version before my support ends (I think).
I'm not trashing BI. It's wonderful! A good value. And works great.
But... BI made changes that breaks the way it has always worked for me.
I have 2 alerts with AI .dat files to send support. And, am compiling a comprehensive excel spreadsheet, with settings and there resulting alert/AI info.
I am trying to work with BI support to fix this. But, if this is they way BI wants BI to work now, what can I do?
It's sad that BI has changed the algorithms on how alerts to Ai timings are processed. But then, I'm taking advantage of all options within BI. I can't be the only one using BI in this way.
Once I get near the end of support, I'll update, wait until after support ends, then revert back to Then, I should be able to update/test to the last version before my support ends (I think).
I'm not trashing BI. It's wonderful! A good value. And works great.
But... BI made changes that breaks the way it has always worked for me.
I have 2 alerts with AI .dat files to send support. And, am compiling a comprehensive excel spreadsheet, with settings and there resulting alert/AI info.
I am trying to work with BI support to fix this. But, if this is they way BI wants BI to work now, what can I do?
Re: Break time ignored when AI is enabled
I am currently not a Blue Iris customer but I have been researching Blue Iris for about a week or so and was about to pull the trigger on a purchase, and then I came across this issue some are stumbling over. I use iOS/iPhone and am primarily interested in viewing camera alerts on iPhone.
Is it fair to say that, as soon as Apple decides a new cert is needed then BI alerts will fail?
I found a user somewhere (this forum?) where I believe he was saying he rebuilt the BI server, reinstalled apps on iOS and alerts were then fixed. Any thoughts on how/why this would work? And any thoughts on this strategy for keeping older BI versions running?
I got sucked into the Wyze cam world with free cloud storage until they, like others, forced subscriptions on us all. So my initial understanding of BI was it being a one-time cost and no subscription needed, but so far it appears the "subscription" is being hidden into the yearly renewal fee (i.e. if you want alerts to continue working).
I am not opposed to paying for a mobile surveillance solution, but since a yearly BI renewal will be about the same ($3-$4/mo) as a cloud solution, just wondering if it is worth dealing with the hardware/software/firewall care and feeding to keep BI running?
Re: Break time ignored when AI is enabled
I’ve personally have not found an answer so just put up with no alerts for the time being.
I’m sure I’ve seen posts either here or on the other site where support have replied stating that they need to update.
I also looked into extracting the cert(s) from the update but as I’m away at the moment couldn’t really get that far but I should be home next week so may have another look.
I’m sure I’ve seen posts either here or on the other site where support have replied stating that they need to update.
I also looked into extracting the cert(s) from the update but as I’m away at the moment couldn’t really get that far but I should be home next week so may have another look.
Re: Break time ignored when AI is enabled
Thanks for looking into it.
Found this Reddit: ... t_tied_to/
I figured this cert expiration was a somewhat new thing but this thread is over 3 years old so it's been ongoing. It appears Android users have no issue as its cert doesn't expire like Apple. This seems unequitable.
So if for some reason BI developers decided to produce zero updates over a 1-year period, a special update would HAVE to be released JUST to satisfy the Apple cert expiration issue.
I feel that BI could and should produce a separate "Apple Cert Update" utility for download when the cert expires.
Found this Reddit: ... t_tied_to/
I figured this cert expiration was a somewhat new thing but this thread is over 3 years old so it's been ongoing. It appears Android users have no issue as its cert doesn't expire like Apple. This seems unequitable.
So if for some reason BI developers decided to produce zero updates over a 1-year period, a special update would HAVE to be released JUST to satisfy the Apple cert expiration issue.
I feel that BI could and should produce a separate "Apple Cert Update" utility for download when the cert expires.
Re: Break time ignored when AI is enabled
Have the same issue and contacted BI support. They tell me it is because the alert page has "New and all retrigger" selected. So I changed it but still had the same problem. Then on AI page I also unchecked "New alert/analysis on retrigger after cancelation". Now it seems the alert lengths are in sync with the break and max time. Although now I have the issue of something triggering an alert, like headlights, but not showing up until several seconds later. I am currently playing around with increasing the post trigger images to help. I had hoped that using the retrigger options would work with this problem. Having the post trigger images higher taxes my CPU and GPU at times. Still playing around with it.
My old configuration used to work until I updated.
My old configuration used to work until I updated.
Last edited by TheRabbit on Wed Apr 24, 2024 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Break time ignored when AI is enabled
Report your new findings so that they are aware that what has been suggested may not resolve the issue in the way that they think