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Re: Massive Memory Usage
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:30 am
by BruceH
I changed 1 camera to
Pre-Trigger record time = 6.0 sec
Pre-trigger playback time = 3.0 sec
And I can verify that my memory usage has started to climb already, I am going to wait a bit and see how high it goes with just the change to the 1 camera, I did not note the memory usage at the start but it was I think about 535MB, and in a few minutes it is already up to 770MB and climbing about 3 or 4 MB every few seconds! it is already up to 810MB in the time it took to type this extra part of my message
Re: Massive Memory Usage
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:36 am
by Rantech
I monitored for an hour before restarting BI
Time = 0, RAM = 638 MB
Time = 30 min, RAM = 4.4 GB
Time = 60 min, RAM = 9.96 GB
At 60 min, I restarted the system. I have sent support all these latest details along with screen shots of BI and Procexp at time = 0 min, 30 min, and 60 min.
Hopefully, this will be enough for them to be able to recreate the problem and resolve. I also notice that someone had another forum post that the pre-trigger record and playback time options didn't actually change the playback. He was still getting the approx 5 sec buffer on playback. This lends support to the idea that there is something untoward going on with the pre-trigger options in BI.
Thanks for verifying that for me !
Re: Massive Memory Usage
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:03 am
by Pogo
Some astute observations. It will be interesting to see what others can add to these findings.
What happens if pre-trigger recording isn't enabled at all? It certainly doesn't seem necessary in a continuous + alerts recording setup -- unless of course CPAI configurations actually rely on it for some reason -- which could presumably be why the original feature in its perfectly good working state started being dicked with back in the early 5.8 days to begin with. Bad call right there.
BTW, pre-trigger recording has been around for quite some time with the original version simply offering the ability to play the buffer section in its entirety with alerts (or not) vs. choosing selectable playback lengths..., up to 30 seconds maybe? The pre-trigger segment would / will still exist in its entirety on a clip regardless of the setting for alerts..., at least in earlier versions. Pretty sure that was the intended purpose in the first place.
Sorry to butt in .This discussion is out of my league. Just thought disabling the pre-triggering entirely as another test control may be a worthwhile consideration for this particular angle of troubleshooting the issue.
Good luck with it. Long live! LOL
Re: Massive Memory Usage
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:39 am
by Rantech
There is not any option to disable pre-trigger settings ... However, when I set to 5 and 5, and when Bruce had a 5 and 2, the problem could not be recreated so in effect, the 5 sec pre-trigger record time seems to be the system default which works and does not cause an issue. In essence, that would be as close as we can get to turning it off - leaving it at the default value. It is when this value is changed from the default, that things seem to go awry.
I thought the pre-trigger options were an elegant solution to the 5 sec buffer than many had been complaining about since it was introduced as it would keep the 5 sec buffer but users wouldn't have to watch 5 sec of dead air every time they reviewed a clip or alert. Just need to have it working properly and not causing issues.
Re: Massive Memory Usage
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:30 am
by BruceH
An interesting observation, I restarted my system with the pretrigger as follows
Pre-Trigger record time = 6.0 sec
Pre-trigger playback time = 3.0 sec
I then set them back to the defaults of 5 and 2
My memory was 603.2MB
after about 1.5 hrs the memory has climbed to 735MB it is fluctuating, but appears to be creeping steadily upwards, I am going to let it run for about 7 hrs and see what it climbs upto or possibly crashes my system before I wake up in the morning.
I am trying to determine on my system if it is the non default setting that cause the problem or changing the settings and not restarting the system.
Re: Massive Memory Usage
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:43 am
by Rantech
I found that I had to restart the system after changing the pre-trigger values back to their default in order for the system to be stable. If I changed them back to default but did not actually restart the service, it was still unstable but if I restarted (or actually, reinstalled after changing back to defaults, the system was stable and I could not make it become unstable.
Re: Massive Memory Usage
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 11:40 am
by BruceH
I checked the memory this morning and it was at 734MB after running all night with the settings reverted back to default without a reboot, I then changed just the Pre-trigger playback time = 3.0 sec did not do a restart and the memory started climbing again, setting it back to 2.0 again appeared to stabilize the system again!
Re: Massive Memory Usage
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:25 pm
by Pogo
Rantech wrote: ↑Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:39 am
There is not any option to disable pre-trigger settings ...
No option to enable or disable
an option. Brilliant.
In fact the pre-trigger settings can be set to 0.0 (in anyway) which should at least negate their functionality and possible contribution to the problem..., but with the buffer still defaulting to 5 whatever (presumably seconds) -- or all the memory, whichever comes first. But I'm sure that's been tried.
I thought the pre-trigger options were an elegant solution to the 5 sec buffer than many had been complaining about since it was introduced as it would keep the 5 sec buffer but users wouldn't have to watch 5 sec of dead air every time they reviewed a clip or alert. Just need to have it working properly and not causing issues.
Users only needed to watch the amount of video they selected as a trigger preview before the mandatory 5 sec change anyway. Could be 1 second, could be 30. The option to
not use the preview feature for alerts, but only for clips, was also available. This made perfect sense for either a non-continuous clip based recording scenario or an alerts-based continuous scenario.
It wasn't broke, but boy did it get "fixed". And if you folks figure it out and the developer graciously offers you free updated latest stable releases for life..., SAY NO! LOL

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Re: Massive Memory Usage
Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 5:06 pm
by Rantech
Good news ... Have received a beta from support for testing and it appears to have resolved the problem. Will report back again after a day or two.
Re: Massive Memory Usage
Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 1:26 am
by Rantech
Haven't been able to recreate the issue with which has now been made available for download and installation via the update screen in BI.