I am trying to achieve the following:
1. Direct to disk
2. 24h time visible in the live view
3. 24h time visible in exports I make
What I am currently getting is
1. Direct to disk
2. 12h time visible in the live view
3. 24h time visible in the exports
4. One camera with no overlay in the live view, 12h overlay in the small screen in camera settings and 24h overlay in exports

I have all overlays off in the cameras, just like I had in BI4. But when trying to edit the overlays in BI5 it looks like there are two overlays on top of each other in the overlay editor. I am only able to delete or right-click edit one of them, which is (correctly) the 24h time. However this overlay is not visible in the live view but instead the other, uneditable/-deletable 12h overlay is visible in the live view. When exporting, the 24h overlay is visible and the 12h overlay is hidden. In one of the cameras, there is no overlay in the live view, but there is a 12h overlay in the small window in camera settings and also a 24h overlay in the video exports, the overlay editor for this camera still has the two overlays visible with only the 24h overlay editable.
Attaching two images describing the issue.
I would appreciate any comments on this as I am not catching on the logic and have found no way to edit the 12h overlay which appears on the live view for some of the cameras.
- jani