Wyze Cam V2 Issues

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Wyze Cam V2 Issues

Post by Nitr0 »

I've been using the Wyze Cam V2 RTSP since it came out and I've also updated to the last version they had released. Has anyone ever resolved the issues with them going to No Signal randomly. I set up a reoccurring schedule in the wyze app to reboot them twice during the day to manage the complete cut out they do. I've still never had great success keeping them online constantly to record 24/7 with them. I've replaced most of them with better PoE cameras over the years but wanted to repurpose them to other less important parts of my property. If its just a lost cause due to the processing power and their ability to do RTSP just say it and I'll let it go.
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Re: Wyze Cam V2 Issues

Post by TimG »

I have a V2 to test, and I think they are a lost cause. The price and small form factor are enticing, but the RTSP firmware is an afterthought by a company that wants you to pay a monthly subscription. I don't think this will change.

I was hoping to hack mine into a front door camera, but it just isn't good enough.
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Re: Wyze Cam V2 Issues

Post by jondwalters »

Yes same issue here. I've just decided that having a cheap camera means I need to unplug it once a week or so.
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