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Add Blue IRIS to Blue IRIS?
Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 4:08 pm
by notspecial
I have searched a lot and come up empty on this, wondering if anyone knows if it's possible... I have 2 Blue IRIS instances in different locations. There's a couple of cameras at each location I'd like to have redundant recordings for, both Blue IRIS instances are open to the opposite network via VPN, the cameras are completely isolated. Can I add a camera feed from one blue IRIS to another?
Re: Add Blue IRIS to Blue IRIS?
Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 6:05 pm
by TimG
The "Remote Management" function would allow you to view the other licensed BI5 installation from either end, but I don't think it will do what you are after.
You say the cameras are completely isolated, so port forwarding is out. BI5 is able to output rtsp video streams. Look for "RTSP server" in the Help file. Could that be the solution ? Running high resolution video streams between sites could get costly though.