Dlink DCS-5222LB No Signal every minute or so

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Dlink DCS-5222LB No Signal every minute or so

Post by MrGadget »

I have Blue Iris x64 installed with 5 camera's, 4 x Falemi and 1 DLINK.
Due to various other issues I have had to rebuild my PC and reinstall and the D-Link has started dropping signal briefly every minute or so - but seemingly only with Blue Iris (watching the direct feed, it remains stable).

I set up the camera again using the Find/Inspect option, since the import reg didn't work for me (ever), and assume there is a simple/tweak needed but not sure what it is.

I've attached the config screenshot to assist. The log file simply says "Signal: Network Retry" then "Signal: restored" when this occurs.

Camera Details;
Current Firmware Version: 2.14.04
Current Product Name: DCS-5222LB

dlink config.PNG
dlink config.PNG (27.73 KiB) Viewed 4201 times
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