Acceso remoto

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Acceso remoto

Post by Pocho »

Saludos a todos. Hace años que vengo usando el programa en forma local, tengo un pequeño comercio con dos cámaras en la planta baja de mi casa y mi pc en la planta alta que es mi casa. Quiero controlar todo desde el exterior desde mi móvil, y es imposible porque mi dirección ip es dinámica y cambia cada 12 horas. Estoy usando 2 routers, uno provisto por la empresa de internet , y otro usado para proveer al negocio de internet para las pc. Alguien me podría indicar paso a paso lo que debo hacer? Soy una persona algo mayor y se me dificulta un poco el tema. Muchas gracias.
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Re: Acceso remoto

Post by Thixotropic »

Google Translate:

"Greetings to all. For years I have been using the program locally, I have a small store with two cameras on the ground floor of my house and my pc on the top floor which is my home. I want to control everything from the outside from my mobile, and it is impossible because my IP address is dynamic and changes every 12 hours. I am using 2 routers, one provided by the internet company, and another used to supply the internet business for the pc. Could someone tell me step by step what I should do? I am a somewhat older person and the subject is somewhat difficult for me. Thank you."
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Re: Acceso remoto

Post by Matts1984 »

I think this is one for Ngrok tunneling... of which I'm not an expert. The other option is a combination of port forwarding and dynamic dns but that is probably a more complicated solution. I apologize that this response is not the step by step answer you're looking for.
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Re: Acceso remoto

Post by MikeBwca »

- Can you already login via your phone remotely? If you can, then you'll only need no-ip.
- What types of routers are they? Make & Model.
- How are the routers connected? And how does your pc connect? Wifi or wired. And, to what router.
Drawing a network map would be helpful.

Your public IP changing:

I have a similar issue. Although my public IP does not change nearly as often as yours, it has changed from time to time. When it does, I cannot get into BI remotely without changing the IP address on my phone & in BI on the desktop.

I use You can get a free domain name, like ''.

I also run their 'Dynamic DNS Update Client (DUC) for Windows', which polls your public IP address, and when it changes, updates the IP address at No-IP - so you don't have too.

This means that when your public IP address changes, the domain name you use will ALWAYS be able to get to your BI web server.
This is not a hole in your network. It's another way to get to your system using the same public IP address.

How to get to the BI Web Server remotely:
There are options. There all complex in my opinion... ngrok, vpn, port-forwarding. I've looking into these, and I'm using port-forwarding.

I've put firewall rules in for BI. I do not get ANY login attempts. You would not need to do this as BI Web Server does a good job. But, you will still get tons of hits on the web server port, since you'll be opening it up.

In Blue Iris Desktop program...
1. In BI setting, click the 'Web server' tab.
2. Make sure that the 'Refresh external IP address at startup and again every' is checked.
4. Specify a time interval to check. It will be stet to 1440 by default. This is 24 hours. Since your IP changes every 12 hours, you should have a much smaller number, like 5 minutes. This will be the amount of time you won't be able to access your web server IF the IP address changes seconds before the check. Having this at 5 minutes is not going to impact performance. I think No-IP uses a 5 minute check.
6. Click the 'Advanced' button.
7. Make sure 'Use secure session keys and login page' is checked.
8. 'Require from' should be 'All connections'.
9. 'Auto Ban...' should be a low number, like 3. Is domeone tried to 'guess' the password unsucsessfully 3 times, BI Web Swerver will add the ip address to the 'Ban list'.
10. Uncheck 'Release banned IP after...', or, check it and specify a large number for 3-5 days... 4320 would be 3 days.
11. Limit logins should be a low number, like 2-4. How many simultaneous logins will your have?
12. Check 'Log ALL connections, not just logins'. This will also log login attempts. These will show up in the BI Status page under the 'Connections' tab.
13. Click 'OK''s to exit out. Save your BI settings.

Finally... Basic steps for port forwarding...
1. Define a static IP address for your computer.
2. Add the 1 port forward rule to your router. If you provide the make & model of your routers, I can help you thru this. offers router specific instructions.
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