[/img][/img][/img]I use the BI MQTT intensively to send confirmed Alerts to my home-automation and than to me telegram account .. so I get all the BI Alerts on my phone 24x7
Every Alerts is generating the below MQTT output ( I know there are redundant info and needs cleanup )
I noted that there are issues after updates to CPAI, and I found it necessary to reboot each time to sort it out.
On a different subject, I had seen intermittant MQTT, and also some Pushover actions were missing. I looked at my actions list and noted I had ten on my drive camera with seven of them disabled. I deleted all of the disabled ones and the others started working normally. Since I reasoned that could mean there could be a limit on the number of actions - i.e the number of things that BI5 can do at the same time - I asked Ken. He thinks it is a coincidence.
My question to you guys is - how many actions do you have ? Do you have disabled actions ? Do things improve if you delete the disabled actions ?
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