As the title says, I have some questions about Blue Iris recording video to network attached storage. I'll do my best to be clear, but I'm not sure I even know the right questions to ask yet.

I have Blue Iris running on a Win 10 box, and I also have a NAS box that I'd like to dump/record the video to (rather than keep it on the PC that BI is running on).
In the "Clips & archiving" dialog box I found the settings for storage, but I'm unclear on what the recommended setup should be for network storage. I've read through a lot of the Help pages but I'm still not sure- maybe I'm missing something.
In the "Folders" part of the "Clips & archiving" dialog box is a path, currently set to "c:\BlueIris\New". Is this where longer-term video files get saved or transferred to? In other words, is this the main storage area for video clips?
Can I set that path to a folder on the NAS box? If so, is there a specific directory structure I should use/create or can I name the directory something else?
I have more or less the same question for the "database" path. The "database path" setting has a note that says it should ideally remain on "Local/Fast".
Could I (or should I) set that to a folder on the NAS box? And as above, is there a specific directory structure I should use/create for the database setting or can I name the directory something else? Can I set it to the same folder as the "Folders" is set to above?
I'm on a pretty fast network so I don't think speed would be an issue, but is there another reason to always keep this path local? Is it mainly a matter of needing fast disk access?
And finally, does it matter one way or another if I installed BI as administrator on Windows, and should I run BI as a regular user or as an administrator?
Thank you for reading this far and for any help you can offer!