Can't view swann dvr in blue iris only in TinyCam

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Can't view swann dvr in blue iris only in TinyCam

Post by sparklee »

Hello, I am hoping someone can help explain why I can view my Swann DVR8-3425 in TinyCam but can't seem to be able to add the cameras to Blueiris?
In tinycam I am able to add DVR8-3200 by just adding the ip address along with my user name and password and port and works without any further configuration. Is there a workaround to get this working in BlueIris?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Can't view swann dvr in blue iris only in TinyCam

Post by wkearney99 »

I gave up on integrating my Swann NVR a while ago. The apps seem to use something 'less than obvious' in their connections to the Swann boxes. I ran into the same trouble, I could connect via an app, but not from BI.

But if someone knows how... I'd also like to know.
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