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Re: BI 5 Feature suggestion thread
Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 2:53 am
by MikeBwca
HeneryH wrote: ↑Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:16 pm
That sounds complex and might be a good candidate for that open source side-package that does some machine learning. I've been interested in that integration but haven't had a chance to play with it yet.
It is the motion of the shadows that has always killed me. BI isn't smart enough yet to distinguish the shadow motion from the object motion.
Zone crossing triggers have had some success with my scenario. I make the shadow movement be within one zone then they are ignored with triggers only when something crosses out or into that zone.
In 'Motion Sensor', there is an option called 'Cancel Shadows'. It's depreciated, and will be removed at some future point.
I've used it, and it does work... to a point.
What I've done instead, is to use Zone triggering, putting the two zones farther apart, where one, or both) of the zones will not get the shadow movement in them. I connect both zones using a third zone. Works very well.
If you woudl like to further this discussion, please make a separate topic.
Re: BI 5 Feature suggestion thread
Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:27 am
by YrbkMgr
My first thought was zones, but the OP said:
I made the request because I have a situation where I am using the "area of interest" feature in BI. I am so zoomed into a small area looking through a tree, its leaves and branches that DS cannot make anything out of it. The only way to detect is motion... If the tree, leaves and branches could be excluded, especially when the wind blows, it would greatly lessen the problem with detecting motion.
If you have to look through trees and sense only motion beyond the tree... I can't noodle out a way to make zones work...
Re: BI 5 Feature suggestion thread
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 1:01 am
by gasahold
YrbkMgr wrote: ↑Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:27 am
My first thought was zones, but the OP said:
I made the request because I have a situation where I am using the "area of interest" feature in BI. I am so zoomed into a small area looking through a tree, its leaves and branches that DS cannot make anything out of it. The only way to detect is motion... If the tree, leaves and branches could be excluded, especially when the wind blows, it would greatly lessen the problem with detecting motion.
If you have to look through trees and sense only motion beyond the tree... I can't noodle out a way to make zones work...
Yep. When the wind is blowing pretty hard they travel quite a distance when you are zoomed way in. Their movement is mostly back and forth whereas human/other movement can be up and down and they don't move with the tree leaves and branches in the same way...
Re: BI 5 Feature suggestion thread
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 4:41 am
by EpicLPer
YrbkMgr wrote: ↑Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:07 pm
EpicLPer wrote: ↑Tue Mar 15, 2022 9:07 am
Feature Request:
Record both Continuous and Triggered video for the same camera.
This way you can record continuous files into "New" for, as example, 7 days and later only move Triggered files to "Stored". Saves a lot of storage.
The current way is to clone the camera and set one up for continuous and the other for triggered only. But that also requires double the CPU power.
Maybe I don't understand the request, but isn't this what you're looking for?
BI Record Tab 1.jpg
That would still move both Continuous and Triggered material to Stored once the threshold is reached, if I see this correctly? My approach would be to only move Triggered footage to Stored, keep that for a year and delete Continuous after 2 or so weeks.
Re: BI 5 Feature suggestion thread
Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:16 am
by unj
My feature request concerns the Windows store app Blue Iris Companion. I just got a new PC in my house, and BI will continue to run on the previous PC as a server of sorts. I just downloaded the BIC-app and it runs fine. I would just like it to be able to fill the appscreen with one of the camera-scenarios available, instead of having all the GUI (
marked with red) taking up precious screen space.

Re: BI 5 Feature suggestion thread
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:41 am
by TimG
Hi unj,
BIC looks like a third party program, so you would have to contact the author with your suggestion. I use UI3 on networked pc's. Is there any reason you think BIC is more suitable for you ?
Re: BI 5 Feature suggestion thread
Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 11:37 pm
by DallasJW
Request: Allow for status errors to auto-clear, or only alert when error persists for a certain length of time.
I have an error that pops up every couple days that says "live.sem stuck." I haven't found a ton of info (other than a recommendation not to run BI in a VM, which I am not) on the error. But, I haven't noticed any problems as a result of it. The error clears right away, but I get the blinking red x and this would give me nuisance status alerts if I were to configure them, and I would like to.
Great software, thanks for your hard work!
Re: BI 5 Feature suggestion thread
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:43 pm
by killerbotics
"Battery Save Mode"
For use with solar cameras that would die if live constant streams are pulled.
With the explosion of inexpensive solar cameras this may be something BI needs to deal with eventually.
· "enable battery saving mode" (in camera setup)
In this mode Blue Iris would not stream constantly but rather poll camera every <settable> minutes for any new
SD card local recordings and downloads/insert new onboard recorded clips into Blue Iris video timeline for that camera.
In "battery saving mode" mode BI would use last seen frame (still frame) in all views other than "single camera". Maybe with "Battery Saver" in red in the bottom left corner.
In isolated camera view BI would try and pull live video stream, if available.
Re: BI 5 Feature suggestion thread
Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 6:19 am
by TimG
Please send your suggestion to Support, as they may not see it here. If you want to gauge interest in it I could create a poll.
Re: BI 5 Feature suggestion thread
Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:54 am
by killerbotics
Thanks for your suggestion TimG!
I'm new to how the forum works. Re:poll - whatever you think is best.
I do think this is going to be more and more common with the explosion of solar options. I'd sure have some if this feature existed. I realize this would have to be with non-cloud based cameras only and those are just starting to be cheap and common recently like this one / brand: