Connections Tab
Connections Tab
Why does the log within my connections tab show so many connections that I do not recognize? (outside my home network IP Pool)?
Re: Connections Tab
Post a screenshot as an example?
Are you port forwarding or using a VPN for remote access?
Are you port forwarding or using a VPN for remote access?
Re: Connections Tab
On my system when I saw that, I suspected it was port scanning scumbag scammers on the internet looking for a way to make my life harder. The solution for me was to close ports in the router, and I changed my router to an Asus one that could run OpenVpn. Problem goneWhy does the log within my connections tab show so many connections that I do not recognize? (outside my home network IP Pool)?

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Re: Connections Tab
Unfortunately, fraudulent connection are considered connections even if they are thwarted by BI.
If you want internet access to your BI instance for yourself you'll need to put up with the ping attempts or use your router to block them in some way that still allows you to get in.
If you want internet access to your BI instance for yourself you'll need to put up with the ping attempts or use your router to block them in some way that still allows you to get in.
Re: Connections Tab
Thanks everyone. I'm working on tinkering with the router settings now. I'll let you know if I have any success/improvements.