Multiple Camera Push Notifications on Mobile?

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Multiple Camera Push Notifications on Mobile?

Post by JohnySapphire »

Currently Push notification on mobile work great (Android Galaxy S7). The problem is with multiple camera's, it only shows 1 push notfication (the last camera alert), so if more than 1 camera is triggered, you only have a single notifcation alert on your phone.


Cam1 is triggered and i receive a mobile push from BI app, seconds later Cam2 is triggered. The notification for Cam2 now shows and i have no way of quickly looking at my phone to know if only Cam1 was also triggered or other cameras?

Is there any way to configured it so there is a separate notification on the phone from the BI app for each camera alert? like if 4 different cameras get triggered, i should have 4 different BI push notifications on my phone instead of just 1, with the latest. Most other apps do this
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Re: Multiple Camera Push Notifications on Mobile?

Post by MikeBwca »

I've noticed this also. I do not believe there is a way to do what you want.
What I've done is to also send a text message alert with the image. This way I usually always get the txt message by the time I hear the push alert and get to the phone.

I've sent Bi a suggestion asking for a BI phone widget that has a push notification message list with the image - similar to the clip list.
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Joined: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:49 pm

Re: Multiple Camera Push Notifications on Mobile?

Post by JohnySapphire »

Thank you. This has certainly caused issues multiple times where i only see the last camera alert and think everything is fine where there were multiple camera alerts before that for other cameras that posed security risks that i couldn't see
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