Code: Select all
Clips: 19895 files, 4.50G/46.0G; D: +157.3G
7/6/2019 8:19:06 AM Aux 1: Move: 2894 files 564.3M [192/168 hrs, 4.50G/9.00G, 198.8G free] (0)
7/6/2019 8:19:06 AM Stored: Move: nothing to do [0K/19.0G, 198.8G free] (0)
7/6/2019 8:19:06 AM New: Move: nothing to do [0K/9.00G, 198.8G free] (0)
7/6/2019 8:00:01 AM Action: Email: with 0 attachment/s (12)
7/6/2019 7:49:56 AM mldenison: Logout, 1:02 (1)
Where's it at?