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Some Camera only displaying 6 days worth of alerts

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 2:13 pm
by cheapie408
I have 11 cameras and 10 of the 11 is only showing up to 6 days worth of alerts I see that the only difference is the one camera that holds the longer alert is set to continous recording while the the rest are continious sub+trigger.

Re: Some Camera only displaying 6 days worth of alerts

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 5:25 pm
by TimG
How big is your Alerts folder ? Are the clip files still there in New or Stored folders ?

Re: Some Camera only displaying 6 days worth of alerts

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 8:30 pm
by cheapie408
I had alerts folder set to 1gb several weeks ago but upped it to 10gb to see if it resolves my problem but it didn't.

What's interesting is file size is 9.99gb but size on disk is 29gb

In the Alerts folder, the 1 camera have files dated nearly a month out while but the rest have only about a week's worth.

In the "new" folder I do have recordings from 3-4 weeks for all other cameras. They're just not showing up in BI when I click on the calender

also on all the cameras alert tab, it is set to database only