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Re: Storage and clips don't delete as configured
Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:11 pm
by TimG
I'm still wondering if the files are locked by something that prevents them from being moved. Did you set up the Log to make a text file, and does it show anything about locked files ?
Re: Storage and clips don't delete as configured
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:28 am
by scottlindner
Pogo wrote: ↑Thu Feb 29, 2024 6:28 pm
It may also still be helpful if we could see the your actual Blue Iris storage graph(s) and log entries as have been requested several times.
They are both available via the 'Status' page which is displayed by clicking the icon circled below and located at the upper left hand corner of the Blue Iris desktop window.
Status Icon.jpg
I didn't even know those graphs came from BI. I didn't see it under settings and just assumed it was some other tool people were using. I did my manual cleaning today so we'll have to wait until a month rolls by to see what happens. I just moved all files oler than 14 days to the Stored folder on the NAS. Here is what it looks like now that I know where it is.

- BI Storage Status.png (34.89 KiB) Viewed 2209 times
Re: Storage and clips don't delete as configured
Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:18 am
by Pogo
Looks good. As suggested, you could simply create a super miniature storage structure (by allocation sizes) that should represent the desired rotation/deletion process in a day or so instead of waiting a month for the results of the changes...., if everything works according to plan. If so, just re-adjust allocation size accordingly and check again in a month or keep an eye on the log for any errors and hopefully only see 'DBCompact:finished every morning at 2:00am (the default DB maintenance schedule) and that'll be it until actual file rotation begins..., which you could also do for the test period and have a handle on it in a couple days.
As Tim mentioned, your logs are just a click away in 'Logs' tab on the same Status page (if you haven't noticed it yet). All the recent activity will be listed there. You can also set it up to create and save text files of the active list on a monthly basis by clicking the 'Save to file' check box at the bottom of the page. This greatly reduces the potential length/size of the active drop down version and is much easier to reference for historical activity.
Re: Storage and clips don't delete as configured
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 1:56 pm
by scottlindner
I have it working perfectly now. For whatever reason, that by the time I got it working the only change to my settings was to add a second folder to move expiring clips to. Although I started with this early on and it didn't work. The only thing I can gather is that by adding an age based move rather than size based moved cleared out corrupt settings. I have seen this with other programs in the past and being a developer myself I kinda get how things like that can work as settings are stored from significantly earlier versions but applied through application upgrades.
Re: Storage and clips don't delete as configured
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 3:38 pm
by Pogo
Cool. Thanks for the update. And congrats. Your logic is sound.
Now show us your new graphs! LOL
Re: Storage and clips don't delete as configured
Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 7:24 pm
by scottlindner

- DiskStatus.png (33.45 KiB) Viewed 927 times
It has been hovering there perfectly for weeks.