I was wondering if someone could come up with a good tutorial on how to adjust motion sensor settings from the trigger tab ?
The reason I'm asking is because I've been struggling for a while trying to adjust it without success.. I ether get tons of false positive or nothing at all...
The big issue I guess is the sun-shadow reflection on the trees but I'm sure there must be a way to adjust these settings using some methodology or something ? There is so many settings, I don't know were to start.. And now with the new Edge vector Algorithm I tough everything would be magical... But I was wrong

I've attached a sample of the false positive I get..
Is the best strategy is to put "min. object size" and "min. contrast" to the minimum sensitivity and then move it up until it gets a good trigger ?
I also tried to increase the "Min. duration" to 1.5s and use a zone to restrict the scope...
Checking "cancel shadow" and "high definition" didn't change anything...
I also tried to increase "object travel" to 200 pixel (does a pixel is represented by a small square in the zoning screen ?)
I also tried to increase "object size exceeds" to 80% (is it 80% of the drawn zone or of the full image ?)
Any help appreciated

Sample highlight