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BlueIris v4 - win10 signature issue, "blocked for your protection"
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 11:13 am
by Seagull
I have three different Win10 Pro PCs running BlueIris v4.
They are now all failing due to the signature used to sign the app having been revoked.
Help - how do I get round this?
Error message is "The App has been blocked for your protection".

- warn.jpg (42.46 KiB) Viewed 43646 times
EDITED TO ADD.... IGNORE the rest of this post I was also being dumb... solution further down the page. Rip out the Digital Certificate. ... gner-v1-0/
I can't work out how to to [s] [/s]
I have tried various tricks to tell Windows to trust it, but to no avail.
* Run as admin
* Run from command prompt
* Turn off UAC
* Hack signature out of the exe (using fileunsigner.exe)
Two of these are on PCs that are 100% dedicated to BlueIris, so I can dismantle any security if needed.
The other is also running other apps so ideally targeting the security fix is better.
OR is the *only* option going to be pay for version 5? 3 x $80 is quite a hit. And will version 5 continue after the first year if I don't keep paying.
What I have loved about BlueIris was ability to setup a system in 2018 and then just forget about it as it looks after itself.
(I will continue to search this forum, but can't see any threads on this issue here... which is puzzling)
Thanks in advance
Re: BlueIris v4 - win10 signature issue, "blocked for your protection"
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 12:18 pm
by Seagull
Okay... so this is now weird. On one PC I took out the digital signature from the file and it is happy again. Back u-p and running.
Not sure why the other PC is not playing ball... it seems more paranoid.
[Edited post to remove my dumb}
Obviously, as I found out, if you have a 64bit install in one place, and a 32bit install in another then don't try and copy the exes between the two. Rip digital signature from each separately...
Re: BlueIris v4 - win10 signature issue, "blocked for your protection"
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:11 pm
by Seagull
Aha - the thread is here I see:
But still not got a fix for all situations.
Re: BlueIris v4 - win10 signature issue, "blocked for your protection"
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:20 pm
by Seagull
Keeps talking to himself... don't swap exes between version 4 editions as they don't like swapping.
The hack that works now on my other PC - UAC off.
So I have a solution for both for now..
Edited to say: Turning UAC off is not a good idea... so keep reading and rip out your digital sig...
Re: BlueIris v4 - win10 signature issue, "blocked for your protection"
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:22 pm
by Pogo
With which version of v4 are you able to circumvent the sig?
Re: BlueIris v4 - win10 signature issue, "blocked for your protection"
Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 10:15 pm
by Davemeister
I was able to get it to work with the fileunsigner utility. Here's how I did it:
Download the fileunsigner utility from ... gner-v1-0/
Extract the RAR file to a folder of your choice.
Go to your Blue Iris 5 directory where BlueIrisAdmin.exe is located
Right-click and select COPY and PASTE it into the folder that has the fileunsigner.exe
Rename the existing BlueirisAdmin.exe to BlueIrisAdmin.old to save it as a backup.
Open a Command Prompt as Admin.
Navigate to the folder that folder that now has "fileunsigner" and "BlueIrisAdmin.exe" in it.
Enter the following command to extract the certificate from the exe file:
fileunsigner BlueIrisAdmin.exe /f
Hit enter. You should get a message that the certificate has been stripped out succesfully.
NOTE: You must place the "
/F " flag after BlueIrisAdmin.exe for it to work.[/color][/color]
Now copy the new BlueIrisAdmin.exe into the program folder.
Run BlueIrisAdmin and it should run with no issues.
Hope this helps. I was not happy to see that message. It's not a normal windows security message and I thought my system was hacked. But it wasn't. It IS in fact a security issue.
I want to continue to run because of it's ease of use. BI made changes to the newer version that I simply did not like. I wish they would listen to their users more instead of making major changes (like this one) and they need to notify their customers of any changes that would impact our ability to use our cameras. Many if not most of us use them for security purposes and this error/mistake has a great impact that most do not prefer.
I can only hope that Blue Iris Support would read this thread and solve the issue. I'm sure they could write an update for all versions that would address this certificate issue.
Re: BlueIris v4 - win10 signature issue, "blocked for your protection"
Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 9:04 am
by Seagull
As a follow-up to the above - you can also just drag and drop the BlueIris.exe and BlueIrisAdmin.exe on top of the icon of FileUnsigner. No need for command prompt.
Again I would remind people to keep a backup of the exe before the above change is done.
I am using v4.8.6.3 copies of BlueIris. Windows does now prompt to say it is unsigned, but does not block it from use. I have two systems now running happy again - one 64bit, the other 32bit.
Re: BlueIris v4 - win10 signature issue, "blocked for your protection"
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:38 pm
by Himalgof
Have you encountered any significant functionality or stability issues after using the fileunsigner utility to address the BlueIris v4 signature issue, and do you foresee any potential drawbacks or risks associated with this approach?
Re: BlueIris v4 - win10 signature issue, "blocked for your protection"
Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:47 am
by IAmATeaf
Wasn’t this due to a signature that the BI exe was signed with either being revoked or had expired?
If this is the same then doing whatever OP has done won’t affect the functionality of the the exe itself as that is simply used by Windows to trust the executable.