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Blue Iris Rulez !
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 7:19 pm
by TimG
An amusing piece of information popped up in my local neighbours online forum:
Stolen Ring Doorbell
Our Ring doorbell was completely removed from the wall last night and guess what ? There is no video recording of it happening!
I have reported this information to the police.
Apparently it is happening regularly in Nottinghamshire (UK). Another person moaned that they hadn't been told about monthly payments before they had theirs installed.
Blue Iris Rulez

Re: Blue Iris Rulez !
Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:36 am
by MikeBwca
Wow. The designers must have know this was possible!
They even have a official Ring support topic 'What to do if Your Ring Device is Stolen'... ... -is-Stolen
Re: Blue Iris Rulez !
Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:41 am
by TimG
According to our local forum, you can only do that once. Looking at your link, it is also up to Ring to decide to replace it or not. That could get costly very quickly.
I've had a look at how it is fitted, and it looks like one torx screw at the bottom of the front cover, then its normal screws to the wall.
Last year, we had people with electric gates having their external control panels stolen. Maybe it's time to use screws that can only be screwed in, i.e. you have to drill them out to remove them. Any idea's anyone ?

Re: Blue Iris Rulez !
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:15 am
by TimG
I have some more feedback on the original theft. I assumed that the thief would be walking around with a single security screwdriver in his pocket, looking for RING doorbells, then quickly and carefully removing them for re-sale on Ebay. The poor house owner responded:
Tim : nothing as subtle as that mate. They just ripped the whole unit from the wall !!
I told him to get the Police to search Ebay for "Ring doorbell - slight crowbar marks"