I have been using CodeProject.AI with Blue Iris for nearly a year now, and after setting it up with my Coral Edge TPU couple of months ago, it has been amazing. I however am still having couple of scenarios that I'd like to get some help on and was hoping if there are any solutions worth exploring:
Scenario 1: Static objects - For example, if a car is parked in the driveway for 6+ hours, for some reason Blue Iris + CodeProject continues to alert a car was detected, even though it has been there for a long time. Similarly, if a bicycle is leaning against a bench, it will continue to alert it even if there is no movement in the frame. Is there anyway to disable these kinds of alerts? I have checked the AI and Alerts configuration unchecked 'static object' and checked 'only motion' but that hasn't helped.
Scenario 2: When mowing the backyard, or just simply working on the car on the driveway, it will constantly alert a person. Techinically, it is doing it's job by alerting me that a person has been detected, but in these kinds of scenarios, are there recommendations on how to minimize the amount of alerts instead of it alerting every ~30 seconds a person has been detected?
I appreciate any feedback or recommendations for resolving these two scenarios!
Blue Iris and CodeProject Questions
Re: Blue Iris and CodeProject Questions
Static objects. I had asked in a different post if anybody really understands these settings. You can configure it, but what does it do ? Ho hum, I can feel an email to Ken coming up.
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Re: Blue Iris and CodeProject Questions
Well I did ask Ken, as I really don't get the static logic. He responded:

OK, getting somewhere. Delete the rules, and send Support a DAT file so they can help you figure it out. I'll be back in a minute, I have some test rules to deleteThe number one gotcha with static object analysis (SOA) is not understanding the purpose of the "ignore" rule. For SOA to do its thing, you want NO rules. If you add an ignore rule ("treat as not static") then you will get alerts for those objects as if they were not static. To really dig in and diagnose any issues with this, we need a .DAT file from an analysis. The static objects are included for our comparison.

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Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.