Alert Tones Stopped Working

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Alert Tones Stopped Working

Post by macster2075 »

I've had my BL 5 configured so when motion is detected, the border of the camera window flashes red and it makes a sound. It has been working great all this time until a couple of days ago.
I noticed I am getting alerted on my smart devices and the camera window flashes and everything seems fine, except there's no sound on the alerts.

I have not made any changes and it all of a sudden just stopped working. If I click Test.. it does sound, but it won't on motion alerts.
It's been 2 days of me trying to figure out what's wrong and I just can't figure this out. The thing obviously works, because the tone sounds when I manually make it sound by pressing Test.
Any ideas of what this can be?
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Re: Alert Tones Stopped Working

Post by TimG »

Did you check if it is enabled/disabled on the preceding page, and is the Profile(s) for the alert active for the Profile you are testing :? Have you made any changes like adding Deepstack ?

I tried setting this up, and found some of the sounds work with Test, and some don't on my BI5 pc. Alarm.wav works every time for me, but "i-demand-attention.wav" doesn't sound at all with Test. Can you try it with Alarm.wav just to rule it out ?
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Re: Alert Tones Stopped Working

Post by tommygun »

The exact thing happened to me recently. The tone would play in "Test" but not as an alert when the scene was triggered. I played around with it for an hour or more until I discovered that I had inadvertently clicked the tiny "Mute" icon next to the volume slider way up in the upper right corner of the main BI window.

:oops: :lol:

Sometimes you're the dog, sometimes you're the hydrant. I "unmuted" it, pretended that never happened, and went merrily on my way. "Doh-di-doh-di-doh....

Sorta like when my cat used to sleep on the window sill in the sun and then roll off in his sleep. He always had a perfect "I meant to do that" expression.
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Re: Alert Tones Stopped Working

Post by molu2008 »

I think this might have something to do with blue iris working as a service.
The service without UI might have troubles with playing music

Please try to play alarm sound using a script,
first create a script playAlarm.BAT:

Code: Select all

powershell -c (New-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer 'C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\sounds\alarm.wav').PlayLooping(); Start-Sleep -s 40; Exit;
This code will play the alarm for 40 seconds

Then, in Camera Settings->Alerts->On Alert->Run a program or script->File->path-to-your-playAlarm.BAT
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