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Re: Does BI Support exist??
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:24 pm
by stavana
Well, I renewed my support with Priority recently. Asked a question a couple of days ago but still have not gotten a response.
Additionally, Priority support is supposed to come with phone support. I have no idea of what the telephone number is

Re: Does BI Support exist??
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 8:36 pm
by YrbkMgr
Just to be certain...
When writing for support, you must include basic software and license details. For your convenience you will find an Email support button on this page. This button will copy important information to the Windows clipboard. In order to make use of this information, you must them open an email to send to Please make the subject descriptive in order to prevent our mail server from combing it with others of the same subject. In the BODY of the message (not the subject), use the Windows PASTE command (control-V) to insert your support information at the beginning of your message.
They're pretty maniacal about spam. I always put a subject like New Customer - This is my problem in hopes of getting attention. But the stuff above has to be in the body of the email or you go to the island of left socks.
Re: Does BI Support exist??
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 2:57 pm
by stavana
FYI - I did the cut and paste into the email as per instructions. I think there is something wrong here.
BTW - most support emails usually get some automated response that we got your request and someone will get back to you. BI should do the same.
Also, what is the support phone # for priority customers
Re: Does BI Support exist??
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 4:06 pm
by YrbkMgr
That's troubling... please let us know how this goes.
Re: Does BI Support exist??
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:56 pm
by HeneryH
The phone number question is a very good one. If they advertise it as a paid feature, the number should be available!
Re: Does BI Support exist??
Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:41 pm
by YrbkMgr
Read the footnote at the bottom of his image. It means that they schedule an appointment and call you. Probably in case of video conference/screen sharing. Still, it isn't a hotline, that's for sure.
Re: Does BI Support exist??
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 12:02 pm
by _Jennifer
Just wanted to chime in and let you all know that we are EXTREMELY backed up with support requests at the moment, and we are doing our best to catch up. I do sincerely apologize for the delays any of you have experienced recently however.
In regards to Priority support and a call-in line, this does not exist. Phone support is offered on an as-needed basis, and is strictly by appointment only.
The Priority plan mainly is to get your ticket to the "front of the line," and offers the ability to schedule more hands-on support if the issue is not solvable via email.
We also used to have an auto-response for initial support requests, but this caused many issues with Gmail, and our support email ended up getting flagged as spam for many users.
We are a very small team currently, and the main responders have been Ken and myself as of lately, so with 100s of requests coming through daily, it has been difficult to keep up with as we navigate this issue.
Of course this is not excusable, nor is the delay in response time acceptable, so we are hoping to get caught up finally this week.
I do appreciate everyone's patience with this though, and again, I apologize you all have not received timely responses! We hope to do better in the future with this reoccurring issue.
Thank you immensely for continuing to support our product!
Re: Does BI Support exist??
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 7:17 pm
by stavana
Update -
I finally got a response from Ken on my support question after a few days. It turns out that I had already figured out the answer to my question by then
I also inquired about the phone number for support and he did mention that phone support is only when they do real time Team Viewer support when needed.
I suggested this is confusing and should be removed from the support matrix documentation. In any case, I am happy that I do get a response even if it takes a couple of day as this is an amazing tool!
Re: Does BI Support exist??
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:18 pm
by MikeBwca
I've found BI Support to be responsive over the years.
Recently, I think BI Support has been getting frustrated with the lack of information included with the tickets. And I can understand that.
A few weeks ago, I got a response from BI Support, 'A video would help!'. Ok Ok, I got the hint.
I just sent another ticket of an issue I've been having for quite some time. I sent screen captures, two videos, and two API traces. I might have overdone it, but those API traces might just do it.
I get frustrated in this forum for the same reason... No detail, no screen captures/video, version #. I get tired of asking for these, and sometimes I don't even bother. I'm not here to drag information out of posters, and, neither is BI Support.
I've been trying to work out a way to capture and log ALL BI Global settings, and, ALL settings for each camera. This info could be sent to BI Support (If relivant & they would want it).
For screenshots and screen captures, On Windows, people can use the built-in XBOX Game Bar.
I use a generic video & capture utility - there are many.
Re: Does BI Support exist??
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 3:42 am
by YrbkMgr
MikeBwca wrote: ↑Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:18 pm
I've been trying to work out a way to capture and log ALL BI Global settings, and, ALL settings for each camera.
That feature already exists and I rely on it regularly. P 215 in the help file.