I'm running Blue Iris on an old gaming PC (from my sim racing rig). The machine has been rock solid for years, I don't think it has even BSODed once and its been overclocked to within an inch of its life and run for hours on end.
When I run BI on it, I get constant BSODS. I have tried new power supply, different memory, fresh OS, reseating all components. I have run memtest, stress tests for hours of CPU (which is no longer overclocked) and on the GPU ... it is rock solid .. then when I run BI it might be 5 minutes it might be 5 hours .. it will BSOD though.
Does BI play well with Windows 7 ... do I need to make the jump to Windows 10 to keep BI happy ?
PS - I'm running Deep stack GPU version. All the CUDA software required says Windows 10 .. but it installed on 7 without complaint. Could this be an issue ? Anyone else running a stable Win 7 setup ?
Windows 7 BSOD
Re: Windows 7 BSOD
Ok, so went to windows 10 and still BSOD .. so that answers that. I will try different hardware.
Re: Windows 7 BSOD
Well for what it's worth I've solved the BSOD. It may have been one of 2 things, I don't dare touch anything now to find out ! One thing was that I had often ran a higher voltage on my Titan X graphics card for gaming and perhaps it got addicted to this higher voltage ! Although sometimes I didn't OC it and never had a crash either ... anyway I have increased the standard voltage by .5Volts and I also underclocked it by 100Mhz.
The other thing I noticed was that I had 2 SSDs on different controllers. My motherboard has a RAID controller (working in non raid mode) and a standard controller. I plugged both SSDs into the same controller.
I suspect the issue was the SSD / controller issue because I was getting crashing even with deepstack turned off and so not using the graphics card although I do use Nvidia rendering ... so who knows. It's running now, I ain't touch it.
The other thing I noticed was that I had 2 SSDs on different controllers. My motherboard has a RAID controller (working in non raid mode) and a standard controller. I plugged both SSDs into the same controller.
I suspect the issue was the SSD / controller issue because I was getting crashing even with deepstack turned off and so not using the graphics card although I do use Nvidia rendering ... so who knows. It's running now, I ain't touch it.
Re: Windows 7 BSOD
Thanks for letting us know, and well done with the fault finding. There was talk of Win7 becoming incompatible with some versions a few years ago, but I think they decided not to do whatever it was 

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