Hey Guys
Anyone know the folder location where you place pt models in windows?
The codeproject forum only has older info and that file path is no longer legit.
From what I read it seems you have to create a custom model folder.
Also when you add more then one custom model on the AI tab does it get separated by comma?
Thanks in advance guys
Adding models to codeproject
Re: Adding models to codeproject
If you are using a late version of CP/AI using the their install program on your BI system, it should be filled in for you. I am running it on another system via a docker image and fill it in myself. AIR, in my case the folder I reference just contains dummy model files, CP/AI uses its own location but the names have to mirror. Been too long ago for my old-foggy mind to recall exactly.
Yes, separate with commas.
BI and CP/AI working very well here, 2 different locations. All one level or so back.
Yes, separate with commas.
BI and CP/AI working very well here, 2 different locations. All one level or so back.
Re: Adding models to codeproject
its not a big deal but I would like to experiment so if anyone knows what path BI looks for when seeking the custom models please pass it on.
I did create a "custom- models" folder in c:\codeproject but it is not working.
its not a big deal but I would like to experiment so if anyone knows what path BI looks for when seeking the custom models please pass it on.
I did create a "custom- models" folder in c:\codeproject but it is not working.
Re: Adding models to codeproject
Blue Iris uses the Custom Object Detector List Models API to get the list of custom models.
https://www.codeproject.com/ai/docs/api ... ist-models
https://www.codeproject.com/ai/docs/api ... ist-models
Re: Adding models to codeproject
OK....let me add a clarification
In BI AI tab there is a line for custom models but it is greyed out.
I hear others talk about adding IPcam models to this line but no one says where or how this is done.
Are you saying that when using codeproject that there is no way to add anything to this greyed out line? If so then that I understand and will give up.
Anyone know the correct answer to my questions?
In BI AI tab there is a line for custom models but it is greyed out.
I hear others talk about adding IPcam models to this line but no one says where or how this is done.
Are you saying that when using codeproject that there is no way to add anything to this greyed out line? If so then that I understand and will give up.
Anyone know the correct answer to my questions?
Re: Adding models to codeproject
The custom model list should auto populate. If it is empty restart Blue Iris service and it should look like the below
Re: Adding models to codeproject
not sure where you found your custom model but that one is not default by codeproject......so please explan where you found that and also how you loaded it. BTW....I am using latest CP version....maybe yours is older and has different file structure.
Mine is listed below
Mine is listed below
- Attachments
- AI.PNG (73.49 KiB) Viewed 5293 times
- pic 1.PNG (65.77 KiB) Viewed 5293 times
Re: Adding models to codeproject
Did you restart Blue Iris service? I am on the latest CodeProject.AI. Follow the bellow steps and this should populate the custom model list. FYI I am the creator of all the custom models.
- Uncheck Auto start/stop with Blue Iris
- Restarting Blue Iris service
Last edited by MikeLud on Mon Feb 12, 2024 5:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Adding models to codeproject
Also once you uncheck Auto start/stop with Blue Iris and restart Blue Iris service Enable GPU for the Object Detection (YOLOv5 .NET) module. This will allow the Object Detection (YOLOv5 .NET) module to use whatever GPU you have installed.
Re: Adding models to codeproject
Another use for a facepalm emojinot sure where you found your custom model but that one is not default by codeproject......so please explan where you found that and also how you loaded it. BTW....I am using latest CP version....maybe yours is older and has different file structure.

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