Attached is a grab from one of the new Amcrest IP5M-1173EB-28MM. I do need to still tweak it for night viewing (was too tired last night) so will post that later.

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Overall I'm happy enough with the image BUT... I will not be buying another. I'm pretty dissatisfied with the product and Amcrest. The first was an oversight on my part and not a HUGE deal but they do not support H.265+, only H.265. My other cameras, SV3C SV-B01POE-5MPL, support it and I do see better compression using Direct-to-Disk. I had hoped this was just a documentation thing as even the SV3C's don't say "+" but alas, they do.
My real issue with Amcrest is over their firmware and security policy. The web interface is very similar to the SV3C's and from what I can tell, both are based on Dahua. The only real difference between them is Amcrest is more 'tabbed' vs SV3C just having it all right there. No problem. The Amcrest cameras I have though, manufactured within the last couple months and still considered "current" products have not had a firmware update in almost 2 years. SV3C has put out at least a couple updates since I bought them last year. Amcrest also puts up a pain of a "subscribe wall" to get to the firmware page. Using the recommended URLs in documentation or clicking links on their page sends you to a page to enter your email address to subscribe to updates... the thing is that this signs you up for marketing emails. At no point does it ask you which models you're interested in. So I now know about their wireless bluetooth earbuds but nothing about firmware (that they don't release often anyway). FWIW to anyone interested, this is the direct URL to the download page though (
Further, they have a very real security hole they appear to be unwilling to fix because they want information.

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This P2P option is if you want to use their "Cloud" solution and their app to do whatever. Most cameras have something like this... of course with Blue Iris (which Amcrest also promotes!!!) I have no need for this. Hence it's disabled. Only it's NOT. The cameras continue to try and talk to Amcrest AWS systems upwards of 20 - 30 times per minute, each, even with every outbound related setting turned off. I contacted support about this and got a vague response that used twisted logic. I found on their forums that this was first reported over 2 years ago ( ... t6848.html) and per support I added my own post ( ... 13816.html). Of course I am blocking this traffic but it's the principle of the matter that these are trying to talk out following a twisted logic that I cannot disable. I had an initial concern over my SV3C cameras when I set them up lat year but with new firmware they put out, they are running (and behaving) perfectly. They do what I tell them to, nothing more - and honestly nothing less.