Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

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Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

Post by HeneryH »

I am working on some Kubernetes Learning exercises and and for a number of reasons it would be great for me to convert my BI machine (it is way over powered for my camera load now and has plenty of RAM) to a Canonical Ubuntu machine.

Currently I have a base Win10 and a bunch of Ubuntu VMs but using the Canonical MaaS (Machines as a Service) model as the core OS will help me with my Kubernetes stuff.

My early looks seem to indicate that an Ubuntu MaaS service can set up a Win10 VM and allow GPU passthrough.

Feel free to discuss if you are interested...
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Re: Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

Post by Thixotropic »

I've thought about doing this on and off since I got BI. My own feeling, not backed up by any hard data, is that performance would probably suffer when running BI in a VM due to the added overhead of the VM itself. It seems to me that the extra abstraction layer would impose an additional load, but that's just my guess.

It would be very interesting to do some tests on fresh installs of BI running in Win 10 natively and in a Win 10 VM and see how it behaved in terms of memory and CPU loading.
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Re: Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

Post by HeneryH »

Who Am I ... ???

That is the stupidest thing ever. There is never a reason for this. You are a Linux SNOB! The only acceptable solution is to run BI in a fresh install of windows on clean bare metal and only connected to a subnet that is completely isolated from the internet except for a VPN. BANNED!
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Re: Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

Post by MikeBwca »

Oh wow! I think we hit a sensitive spot. LOL

My sensitive spot....

For myself, in my later years leading up to the final years as a IBM mainframe engineer, I saw the Lynix group devaluing the Mainframe, which started a project to move all application off the Mainframe on to rack mounted lynix servers!

So, essential, take 2 mainframes which have an uptime of 99.9% and replace them with thousands of lynix servers! And, hire a few hundred people (or more) to mange them! There is suppose to be a cost savings in there somewhere. hummmmm...

The Mainframe is capible of running multipule LPARS, one of them being VM! VM on the mainframe is capible of running thousands of Lynix servers, which are 100% scalable with just a few setting changes. Our group (Mainframe System Support) started a proof-of-concept project to start a VM, then configure it with several Lynix servers to prove it's capabilities.
When the Lynix group found out what we were doing, they went to the director-ship and had our proof-of-concept stopped - dead! There were heated words, but the end result was a warning with something about 'termination' if we continue.

After several years, I've heard that they are trying to get back to the mainframe. It's all laughable. Someone, somewhere along the line, made a lot of money.

I'm glad that is all behind me now. Life is much simpler and relaxing.
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Re: Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

Post by MikeBwca »

On the other had, you say you have a large enough system to run a dedicated lynix with VM's of Windows... lol... then, go for it.
What type of virtual disk does your VM use? And, what tyype of disks are in your system? Mechanical or SSD's?
Running a SCSI virtual disk on a SSD... jury is still otu on that. I think the VM runs a bit slower than on a mechanical HD. But I'm not sure.

I run Windows 10 Home, soon to be Pro on my next build.

I collect OS's that I run in VM. Why? It's interesting to startup Windows Xp and run 'Microsoft Bob' to show people how insane some of this stuff was! lol
I've got VM's of most Windows OS's, a few Ubuntu's, ReactOS, Kolibri, FreeNAS (awsome!).

The weirdest one of all is 'Temple OS'. The story behind it is strange, and sad. It's kind of creepy to run it. And, I just don't get it at all!
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Re: Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

Post by WmG »

HeneryH - Thanks for the laugh :lol:
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Re: Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

Post by TimG »

Who Am I ... ???

That is the stupidest thing ever. There is never a reason for this. You are a Linux SNOB! The only acceptable solution is to run BI in a fresh install of windows on clean bare metal and only connected to a subnet that is completely isolated from the internet except for a VPN. BANNED!
I am wondering if this was HeneryH's response to the admin on a certain other cctv forum :?

HeneryH: Please clarify ! I haven't a clue where that outburst came from !
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Re: Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

Post by terk »

TimG wrote: Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:13 pm I am wondering if this was HeneryH's response to the admin on a certain other cctv forum :?
That definitely sounded like a response from the admin of the other forum.
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Re: Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

Post by HeneryH »

Sarcastic game of "who am I" where you act like someone everyone knows.
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Re: Anybody ever try a Win VM on top of Linux KVM?

Post by TimG »

Thixotropic is probably in shock after that :shock:

I'll have to have a lie down myself :mrgreen:
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