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How is a Blueiris Extended Maintenance activated
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 9:31 am
by Rectro
Hi guys
I have two BI licences one is on v4 and the other is on v5 earlier version. I wish to use the Remote feature. Neither licence has the ability to upgreade within the software and there seems to be no Blueiris account online to login to view status, purchase history and current version, its all within the software.
So two questions do I get two new keys if not how do I actvate it?
Second question is forrm whats been added, changed and is there any known issues inroduced I should know?
Thanks, Dan
Re: How is a Blueiris Extended Maintenance activated
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:00 am
by TimG
Unless it has changed, a BI5 maintenance support plan will allow you to upgrade BI4 to BI5 without paying the full price for a BI5 key. See
here. This will also give you 12 months of updates. After that time if you want further updates, you would have to get another maintenance support plan.
For the existing BI5 installation, what does it show you in General Settings/ About ? Mine looks like this:

- Screenshot 2024-06-16 105004.png (38.87 KiB) Viewed 894 times
When my "Extended" (12 months) support plan runs out, I can either pay a one off fee to get another 12 months, or pay a slightly smaller annual fee to get continuous future support plans.
So basically you need two maintenance support plans, not two new keys. I suggest writing to Support to verify if the BI4 to BI5 upgrade still works this way, and to see if you can get a discount on the second support plan.
As for changes, they will be listed in the Help file; see link in my signature.
I hope that helps, let us know what Support say

Re: How is a Blueiris Extended Maintenance activated
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 1:51 pm
by Rectro
Thanks for your reply. Two keys are unfortunately needed for remote access to make changes remotely. and support have stated that both my versions not only need its own seperate key but they both need to be on same version.
I cant seem to find a quick video under a hour long on what the experience is like, how to set it up for this remote access, I will continue to look.
Do you use remote access , not to view but for maintenance and alterations to server PC? Iv been using Teams which was fine but now its paid for onlt service. The experience with teams was fast, hope this is the same with BI remote.
Thanks, Dan
Re: How is a Blueiris Extended Maintenance activated
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:21 pm
by HeneryH
I've been around for a while but not sure of this follow-up question...
Is the original license key required for each machine while doing support upgrades via maintenance keys?
I have Machine A (with original BI4 license and under continuous support with maintenance keys) and
Machine B (with original BI5 license and under continuous support with maintenance keys)
Now if I need to rebuild Machine A, do I need to start with that original BI4 key or can I just jump right in with a support key?
Re: How is a Blueiris Extended Maintenance activated
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:54 pm
by Rectro
Machine A is running Bluiris 5 but ran out of maintenance at v 5.5. I stayed with this version and all is good. I had been using Microsoft Teams but thats not free anymore so am now looking at BI own remote management. For the remote management to work you need two licence keys. Both versions of BI must be the same build of both Machine A the server, and Machine B the client.
Machine A is running v 5.5 and Machine B had version 4.8. I can upgrade Machine B but not use the latest version of BI as it exceeds the server version build at v 5.5. In effect I still wont get any updates to either Machine as Machine A is locked at v 5.5 so so will I have to use 5.5 on Machine B, even although I have a he latest version and updates for a year.
To have both machines running latest version I will have to spend £72 to have them both on latest version to gain advantage of new features added since v5.5. Machine B is going to need a licence just to be a client software.
Re: How is a Blueiris Extended Maintenance activated
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 3:00 pm
by Rectro
HeneryH wrote: ↑Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:21 pm
I've been around for a while but not sure of this follow-up question...
Is the original license key required for each machine while doing support upgrades via maintenance keys?
I have Machine A (with original BI4 license and under continuous support with maintenance keys) and
Machine B (with original BI5 license and under continuous support with maintenance keys)
Now if I need to rebuild Machine A, do I need to start with that original BI4 key or can I just jump right in with a support key?
If you have continuous support on Machine A you would not still be on V4 unless you chose too? As far as Im aware "Blue Iris Extended Maintenance and Support" lets you keep same keys, or upgrades them and they are yours for life with the version you upgrade to until that "Blue Iris Extended Maintenance and Support" end should you not continue with it. What ever version or build your on at that point of maintanance expiring is what version you keep for life as your perpetual licence.
As of yet the support key thing is totaly new to me.
Re: How is a Blueiris Extended Maintenance activated
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:08 pm
by HeneryH
Yes, Dan. You can choose to upgrade from 4 to 5 at your convenience if in maintenance.
The specifics of my question was about if there was a need to maintain the original activation key or if just the latest maintenance key was enough to use during a reload.
I keep my keys in an online doc so I think I have a good sense of the history of each of my machines but I am not sure.
Re: How is a Blueiris Extended Maintenance activated
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:34 am
by exeneli
The present model for BE is that you can install updates until your support subscription expires, after which you will be stuck with that release until you renew. You can only install BE on one PC at a time; if you intend to move your installation around, make sure to deactivate the license on your current PC before activating it on the other.
Re: How is a Blueiris Extended Maintenance activated
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:13 am
by TimG
Copied fron an existing post and mistakes added. Are you a spammer ?
Re: How is a Blueiris Extended Maintenance activated
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:04 pm
by Pogo
My understanding of the following, fwiw...

- BI Support.jpg (41.36 KiB) Viewed 753 times
A $39.95 'one off' agreement would be required and suffice to migrate the v4 system to BI5 with its existing key and will include one year of support and updates for that system only.
Extending that support should be at the $34.95 price on an annual subscription basis thereafter if so desired. If it is allowed to lapse for any period of time (whatever that may be), the 'one-off' charge would presumably again apply, and again, for that system only.
The existing BI5 system would also technically fall into the 'one-off' catagory but may be given special pricing consideration if support agreements are being renewed on both at the same time. The
extended annual $34.95 renewal pricing will likely apply to both if such support is desired for both systems. A single agreement will not cover both systems.
Depending on the duties and setups of each system, and if the is behaving adequately as is, it could simply remain on with a new support agreement and be on its merry way for the time being while the V4 system could be (and probably would be) ungraded to whatever the currently available version happens to be on the date of the support renewal and upgrade. This obviously provides a handy comparison platform to study the two and decide where to go (or stay) with each -- including trying any versions on either system from day one if so desired.
Question though:
Why the need for additional licenses for remote access to the systems when various methods exist to do so securely already?