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One camera is zoomed in to a strange size
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:01 pm
by ecsproull

I'm trying to use the HTTP interface to set up 4 cameras on a TV screen for monitoring parts of our woodshop. I have one camera that appears to be stuck in a strange format. If you look at the group view with 4 images you will see that the bottom left camera appears zoomed in. I don't want that and have tried several things to get it to appear like the other cameras. I included what the camera looks like in solo mode. It appears to be in a strange resolution like 600x600 or something square.
Config, BI plus 20 Annke C800 cameras.
What I've tried.
1.) deleting the camera config (SDAP) and reseting.
2.) deleting and re adding to BI
3.) verified that PTZ is off, although I did enable it and see if that made any difference.
4.) All cameras video settings are the same.
Any suggestions as to what is causing this only on one of 20 cameras???
Re: One camera is zoomed in to a strange size
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:20 am
by MikeBwca
This is caused by zooming in while in 'Edit Layout'.
1. Click the 'Edit Layout' button.
2. Zoom out.
3. Exit 'Edit Layout' by clicking the button again.
Re: One camera is zoomed in to a strange size
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:54 am
by ecsproull
Couldn't find the zoom out option but Restore Defaults while editing the layout fixed it. Thanks for pointing me in the correct direction.
Re: One camera is zoomed in to a strange size
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 11:08 am
by MikeBwca
You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
If the mouse pointer when over a camera changes to a 'hand', the camera is zoomed in.