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Proper AI settings
Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:26 pm
by dwhelan
Hi - running latest stable release of with latest CPAI 2.6.2 (clean install)
Unsure why I'm getting Object Detection (YOLOv5 6.2) command detect 'found suitcase' when ALL of my camera AI settings have ONLY 'ipcam-general' listed in the custom models alert setup. I've also tried disabiling 'Use Custom models' on the general AI settings tab and after rebooting still see objects reconized in CPAI status screen not included in the ipcam-general model.
What am I missing? Is the only way around this to delete all the other custom models in CPAI models folder I don't want?
Re: Proper AI settings
Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:54 pm
by TimG
Steady on there !
Do you want to use the default model ? Ensure Settings/ Default object detection is ticked. Untick it if you want to use custom models.
If you want custom models, tick "Use custom models".
If you tick "Save AI analysis .DAT files" for a camera, you can then view a DAT file to see which models are being used. We can then use the 0: command to turn off unwanted models like this "Custom models: alpr:0,ipcam-combined,faces".
Then you turn off DAT files else they fill up your folders.
Re: Proper AI settings
Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:54 pm
by dwhelan
Thanks so much for your suggestions TimG
This is feeling like whack-a-mole... All I want is for CPAI to detect person, yet it keeps taking extra CPU time and detecting many other types of object (correctly I should add).
So, I've done the following, but am still getting YOLOv5 6.2 detections for "Found Bowl, bicycle, potted plant" in the Console:
Disabled all my cameras except the front door
In General AI, have Use Custom models unchecked and Default object detection enabled. Shows Medium and Use GPU (I have a NVIDIA video card). Facial recognition disabled.
On the Camera/Alert/AI Configuration I have To confirm 'person', and in Custom models I have ipcam-general,actionnetv2:0,ipcam-animal:0,ipcam-combined:0,ipcam-dark:0,license-plate:0
I have Save AI analysis .DAT files enabled, and 'save unknown faces' disabled.
I have Face processing stopped, Object detection (YOLOv5 6.2) started.
If I trigger the camera and look at the DAT file in AI status window, it doesn't show the AI model used. I do notice static showing bicycle, bowl and potted plant...
Is BlueIris possibly not honoring my model lists while doing static object detection, thus causing these extra object detections to show up in the CPAI console?
Is this expected or not?
Re: Proper AI settings
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:14 pm
by TimG
in Custom models I have ipcam-general,actionnetv2:0,ipcam-animal:0,ipcam-combined:0,ipcam-dark:0,license-plate:0
So you turned off custom models in General settings, but in camera AI settings you have custom model "ipcam-general" without a :0 so it is called up.
When turning off custom models and enabling the default model, the only model you should see in a DAT file is "Objects" which is the default AI model. Now there is a lot of confusion with the Help file explaining that the custom file list can be an inclusion or exclusion list, but I think it means if you start using the :0 disable function you end up needing it everywhere.
For your Camera/Custom models, what happens if you leave it empty ? Check a DAT file after the next alert. Why would you need a custom model if you are only using the default model ? Getting closer
My system does use custom models including ipcam-combined, faces and license plates. My "Custom models" for one camera looks like this:

- One.png (30.18 KiB) Viewed 2541 times
So you can see I had to disable faces and number plates on that camera, but I do use ipcam-combined. A corresponding DAT file looks like this:

- Two.png (65.18 KiB) Viewed 2541 times
And there you can see the only model running on that camera is ipcam-combined.
Re: Proper AI settings
Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2024 11:17 pm
by dwhelan
I think I've figured this out!! Now I'm getting ONLY 'person' or 'vehicle' sub 100ms results consistently from CPAI on my wimpy Nvidia 1030 CUDA graphics card? In General settings / AI, I have Use Custom Models. Then I have to list this in Custom Models on the AI Alert on each Camera:
The KEY thing is to add objects:0
With that added, I'm no longer getting bowls, etc detected.
Re: Proper AI settings
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:24 am
by TimG
That should do the same as turning the default model off, but hey don't knock it if it works