Code: Select all
Clips: 1708 items, 5500/5502GB; D: +161.4GB, C: +747.4GB
5/5/2024 12:17:38 PM Front: Clip: Disk can't keep up
5/5/2024 12:14:04 PM Alerts: Delete: nothing to do [0.00/1.00GB, 162.6GB free] (840)
5/5/2024 12:14:04 PM New: Delete: nothing to do [5499/5500GB, 162.6GB free] (840)
5/5/2024 11:20:46 AM Stored: Delete: nothing to do [0/336 hrs, 0.00/1.00GB, 748.4GB free]
5/5/2024 7:24:43 AM Stored: Delete: nothing to do [0/336 hrs, 0.00/1.00GB, 748.6GB free]
5/5/2024 2:00:05 AM DB: Reindexing: 1706 records 11 msec
5/5/2024 2:00:05 AM DB: DBCompact: finished (2)
5/5/2024 Log: Retaining 13 files (39.6MB)
5/5/2024 App: Today's sunrise: 6:03 AM, sunset: 8:05 PM, timestamp=1714881600 (GMT+14400s)
5/4/2024 3:43:24 PM Stored: Delete: nothing to do [0/336 hrs, 0.00/1.00GB, 748.3GB free]