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USB Webcams shoiwng no signal? I've tried two different brands
Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:10 pm
by BobRoss
I have a Logitech HD Pro (C920) and a Tecknet (TK-CA001) both plugged in directly to my BI computer. Also verified working on multiple PC's. When I plug them in and fiddle with a bunch of settings and I'm still just getting No Signal
The error showing is 80070005 () 1000
Is there some setting I'm missing? I've tried many decoders direct / not direct to disk etc... Nothing seems to work.
Re: USB Webcams shoiwng no signal? I've tried two different brands
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:48 am
by TimG
Can you have a look in the Help file ? There is a link in my signature. If I remember correctly it had to work with some Windows program first.
Re: USB Webcams shoiwng no signal? I've tried two different brands
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:38 pm
by TimG
Well the Help file shows:
USB, Firewire (IEEE-1394) and Analog cameras (via digitizing device) may be added. In all cases, compatible Windows DirectShow drivers must be available. That is, the camera should be working outside of Blue Iris using general Windows software such as Movie Maker or AmCap. If the device requires proprietary software from the manufacturer for operation, it may not be compatible with Blue Iris.
So pretty much as expected. Does it help ?
Re: USB Webcams shoiwng no signal? I've tried two different brands
Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:17 pm
by BobRoss
Thank you for your reply and tips! It turned out to be I had everything (including cameras) turned off in the Windows 10 privacy settings. Toggled back on and now I can see the stream.
Re: USB Webcams shoiwng no signal? I've tried two different brands
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 10:11 am
by TimG
A good result

Re: USB Webcams shoiwng no signal? I've tried two different brands
Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:21 pm
by BobRoss
Follow up question:
Is it possible to use a USB WebCam that is not connected directly to the BI PC, just a PoE switch? Like a USB to LAN adapter maybe? I assume it would need an IP though?
Re: USB Webcams shoiwng no signal? I've tried two different brands
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:25 am
by Pogo
BobRoss wrote: ↑Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:21 pm
Follow up question:
Is it possible to use a USB WebCam that is not connected directly to the BI PC, just a PoE switch? Like a USB to LAN adapter maybe? I assume it would need an IP though?
I do it with a WyzeCam V3 running wz_mini_hacks from the SD card using a UCTRONICS Micro USB/POE adapter. Not exactly converting a web cam to an IP device, but close.
Problem with the web cam idea is it won't inherently have IP capabilities like the WyzeCam or have IP functionality (DHCP) to actually acquire an IP address for the adapter's ethernet port. There are software solutions that would work given an additional PC as the host for all this, but really?
Depending on your actual use case, I keep touting the little $20 TP-link Tapo C110's as seriously cool little cameras for all kinds of unique duties and solutions. ONVIF, RTSP, 3MP, 2-way audio..., but they're wi-fi. Not had issues with mine, but have a robust wi-fi network with very little adjacent traffic to interfere with my own. No issues with Blue Iris, though I wouldn't count on two-way audio working with Blue Iris. A possible option nonetheless.
On the other hand if the web cam(s) are already running on the BI machine as USB devices, try rtsp://<bi-ip>:<bi-port>/<cam-name> and see if BI pulls a stream and go from there. Found that with a quick search for 'using usb web cam with blue iris'. There's a lot out there on the subject. Maybe something will fit your situation.
It could at least be fun trying!
Re: USB Webcams shoiwng no signal? I've tried two different brands
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 7:53 am
by TimG
I have used
VirtualHere which does allow USB peripherals to be used over an IP network, but I'm not sure if it would be suitable for the constant streaming of a cctv camera - although there is mention on the www of people using web cams like this. For me VirtualHere was used to extend a USBUIRT (USB IR receiver/transmitter for remote controls) with Homeseer, into a different room. I was able to use their free license, running the client on a RasPi1.
I think it would be simpler and probably much cheaper to follow Pogo's suggestion, but if you like a challenge