So far, I have purchased a QuinLed dig-uno and two 10m (33ft) lengths of addressable LED strings (not strips). They have LEDs at 10cm spacing and are omni-directional, so should be fine for what I am thinking. What am I thinking ? Well basically multiple vertical columns of these LEDs in windows hanging from a spring loaded horizontal bar. I'm thinking of hanging maybe 10 vertical strips in each window at about 1m length. These are three wire WS2812B RGB LEDs (+5Vdc, Data, Gnd). As I understand it, I will have to extend the data wire from the bottom of the first column to the top of the next column, and do the same all the way to the last vertical string.
I will be using WLed, and I'm hoping to be able to create some interesting patterns, starting with a snow storm, but of course these will do colour sequencing too.
Does anybody here have any experience with these LEDs and controllers ? Is my data line going to turn to mush