Storage Ticket

Samples of good tickets that lead to resolution for various topics.
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Storage Ticket

Post by varghesesa »


This article explains the needed information to troubleshoot Storage issues. Before submitting a ticket, users should first go through the Storage article to try and self correct.

Customer ticket

What is the issue?
  • Storage fills up
  • New folder fills up resulting in crash
Server health
Confirm any and all errors in the logs were addressed and resolved prior to submitting a ticket.
Logs from current month. If logs are less than 10 days, also provide the logs from the previous month.
Camera stats. Status button -> Cameras tab -> Export
Storage. Screenshot of Status button -> Storage tab.

What drives are being used?
Internal drives.
USB / External drives
NAS drives
RAID drives

Clips and archiving
What is your current setup in Global settings -> Clips and archiving?

New -> Stored -> Aux 1 -> etc.

Screenshots of setup. Only as much as is needed initially. For example, if the New folder fills up causing BI to crash, then the New and Storage settings are only needed.

New folder

storage ticket_new folder.png
storage ticket_new folder.png (77.31 KiB) Viewed 27782 times

Stored folder

storage ticket_stored folder.png
storage ticket_stored folder.png (63.8 KiB) Viewed 27782 times

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