Remote access - User & Mobile device permissions

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Remote access - User & Mobile device permissions

Post by varghesesa »


An often overlooked aspect of remote access is user and mobile device permissions. Many users will spend hours on their Alerts tab or Action map or Network setup to only discover the issue was with permissions. If not setup correctly, functionality on your Mobile apps or the UI3 web interface (remote endpoints) may not be working as you expect.

Common issues that lead to tickets:
Cannot connect from the WAN.
I do not receive push notifications.

This article deep dives into the Global settings -> Users tab and Global settings -> Mobile devices tab. We document all the ways permissions can affect remote endpoint functionality.

Users tab

Global settings -> Users tab
The Users tab sets permissions for the user logged into the remote endpoint.

Accessible times and profiles
Make sure the user is allowed remote access. LAN only is unchecked.
Make sure the user is allowed access to BI during the appropriate profiles.

users access.png
users access.png (12.47 KiB) Viewed 27819 times

If not set correctly the user will not be able to access BI from the remote endpoint. If you are using a custom schedule, double check those settings as well.

Camera groups
If you are using camera groups, the user must have access to a group that contains the appropriate cameras.

alert map_camera groups.png
alert map_camera groups.png (8.2 KiB) Viewed 27819 times

If not set successfully, specific cameras may not be visible at the remote endpoint. Push notifications will also NOT be received by the device.

Push notifications
In the user profile, you have the ability to restrict Push notifications by Profile. Confirm Push notifications are active in the user's profile for the appropriate profiles. Always good to start with NO restrictions, get the alerts working, then applying any restrictions.

mobile push profiles.png
mobile push profiles.png (11.58 KiB) Viewed 27819 times

Specific to mobile apps, this setting can prevent Push notifications to mobile devices.

If another user on another phone is receiving push alerts, test the non-working phone with the working user account. If working user account works on the non-working phone, then you know the phone is fine. The user account must not have correct permissions. An example of isolating the issue to user permissions or mobile device by leveraging a user account that we know works.

Mobile devices tab

Global settings -> Mobile devices tab
Setting permissions correctly for the mobile device is equally important as the user permissions.

Mobile device
The first check is to confirm whether your phone is listed in the Mobile devices tab. This confirms your Server settings on the mobile app are correct and your device is registered with the BI server.

mobile push enabled.png
mobile push enabled.png (17.34 KiB) Viewed 27814 times

Mobile app server settings
If your phone is NOT listed, you first need to double check your Server settings on the mobile app.

User permissions
If the Server settings are correct, double check your User permissions above.

Web server advanced
Review the Web Server Advanced dialog. Make sure the mobile device is not blocked via the IP address.

Push notifications
If this device should receive Push notifications, confirm Push notifications are enabled for the user's phone (above).
This is another reason why Push notifications may not be going to your device.

Mobile Tags
Mobile tags can also prevent Push notifications and Alert actions. If you are using tags make sure the mobile phone in question has the tag associated with the alert.

action map_tags1.png
action map_tags1.png (8.95 KiB) Viewed 27814 times

The below action map shows this particular Push notification ONLY goes to devices with the security tag.
action map_tags2.png
action map_tags2.png (35.99 KiB) Viewed 27814 times

Tags can prevent any alert (not just Push notifications) from being sent to a mobile device. Best to not use tags and confirm the alert works. Afterwards, apply tags if necessary.

Legacy GCM
Make sure Legacy GCM is unselected. Only needed for very old models which get phased out over time.
mobile gotchas legacy GCM.png
mobile gotchas legacy GCM.png (2.18 KiB) Viewed 27814 times
If another user on another phone is receiving alerts, maybe test the non-working phone with the working user account. If the working user account does NOT work on the non-working phone, then you know the phone is the issue. An example of isolating the issue to user permissions or mobile device permissions by leveraging a user account that we know works.

If the working account does NOT work on the new phone:
  • You have to double check your Server settings on the mobile app.
  • Revisit your network setup, especially the Global settings -> Web server tab. Review the Web Server Advanced dialog as well. Make sure the mobile device is not blocked via the IP address.
Mobile device/phone settings
If you are trying to troubleshoot alerts to your mobile app, the other aspect of permissions is in regards to the Phone settings. The Server settings section of the Mobile devices article explains how to use the Wizard to setup the Phone settings correclty.
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