This is perhaps a little advanced - if someone could tell me if its possible I am willing to dig to figure out how.
I have two PTZ cameras. On the cameras, I set a location, then call function 56 to enable auto tracking.
What the camera does not support is changing this function on a schedule.
So, can I somehow get Blue Iris to call function 56 on the camera at 7pm at night and then call function 58 on the camera to disable auto tracking at 6am in the morning?
The home button on the camera seems to call function 56 anyway, so I know that Blue Iris does sort of know about this functions. If anyone can tell me if this is something that could be done, I just am not sure where to start looking for this type of functionality... is there an api or programing interface I can access, or whatever.
use Blue Iris to call functions on camera on timed schedule
Re: use Blue Iris to call functions on camera on timed schedule
If you can find a command that works from a browser, then this could work. I think an in depth read of the manual for the camera may give the answers. If not, a query to the supplier.
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