Graco 1080p WIFI video baby monitor RTSP
Graco 1080p WIFI video baby monitor RTSP
I have a wyze cam using the RTSP modded software and it works great. I also have these wifi Graco cams id like to do the same with. any help much appreciated. I've searched for software to enable the RTSP like with wyze but have not found a thread.
Re: Graco 1080p WIFI video baby monitor RTSP
Time for some legwork then I'm afraid. Send an email to the manufacturer and ask them directly. I can't find any mention of Onvif or rtsp/rtmp with these cameras, so you may be out of luck. These cameras are usually cheap for a reason 

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Re: Graco 1080p WIFI video baby monitor RTSP
Agreed but so are the wyze cams, i may have to write the code myself like they did with the wyze cam mod. Thanks for helping me look.