connect to cam on demand?

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connect to cam on demand?

Post by ronaldjeremy »

I have a connection to a remote camera over VPN that when connected takes up most of the remote available upload bandwidth. I have been testing things and was hoping that as long as I am not recording anything no bandwidth would be used as long as I am not viewing the camera in UI3 or BI itself. That doesn't seem to be the case though, bandwidth is being used no matter what.

Is there a setting where I can make it so when not recording video/audio and there are no clients watching a cam in UI3 or BI, that BI will drop its connection to the cam. Then if UI3 gets opened, reconnect to that cam on demand?
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Re: connect to cam on demand?

Post by TimG »

Have you tried disabling the camera in BI5 and checking bandwidth ? Otherwise I think BI5 would just report a failed camera. Does the remote camera actually have to work when BI5 isn't viewing it ? That could mean you could power it on and off remotely as required with home automation. Clearly no good if it is being viewed locally.
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