Hi all
I have been using BI for about 10 years and never had any problem setting up a camera until now.
The camera in question is a Dahua DH-SD3A405-GN-PV1.
The video comes though fine but I can't get the PTZ to move, I have tried all the Dahua PTZ options in the menu but none of them work.
I have other Dahua PTZ cameras that work OK so I am pretty sure I have configured it correctly.
The PTZ does move thought the camera web interface and with SmartPSS.
Anyone have any suggestions?
PTZ Camera setup
Re: PTZ Camera setup
It does appear to have Onvif profile "S&T" according to the spec, and I believe "S" handles PTZ so I think it will work with a bit of persuasion. A good look around the camera settings to ensure BI5 has the correct ONVIF settings, and if that fails, an email to Support.
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Re: PTZ Camera setup
Further thoughts: If you have the correct Discovery/ONVIF port in BI5 settings and do a Find/Inspect, does it show "Has PTZ service: /onvif/ptz_service" in the results ?
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Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.
Re: PTZ Camera setup
It shows other ONVIF services but not the PTZ one, I guess buying cheap wasn't the way to go 

Re: PTZ Camera setup
The problem occurred because the ONVIF password was different than the main account. Once they were the same, ONVIF PTZ option worked.
Re: PTZ Camera setup
Well done. That's one for the book 

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Problem ? Ask and we will try to assist, but please check the Help file.