Status Log Events

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Status Log Events

Post by varghesesa »


This article helps to explain the events that are listed in the log files.
By understanding the events, especially while the Log tab is open when BI is running allows you to understand what BI is doing based on your settings.


Starting / Stopping BI

Service: Sequence of events when logging into BI (service running)

Code: Select all

10	9/23/2021 7:02:03.885 PM	Server              	::: Connected			//  Connected to BI service
10	9/23/2021 7:02:05.819 PM	local_console       	::: Login			//  Logging in as local_console
0 	9/23/2021 7:02:05.819 PM	App                 	Console: connected 1		//  Connected to the console
6 	9/23/2021 7:02:08.073 PM	News                	Zoom customer workshop	

Not a service: Sequence of events when starting BI (not as a service)
Need to start the application first.
Then user needs to login to the application.

Code: Select all

// Events associated with starting the application
0 	9/23/2021 7:02:28.581 PM	App                 	Started version		// Need to start the BI server
10	9/23/2021 7:02:28.694 PM	Server              	::: Connected			// Connect to the server
0 	9/23/2021 7:02:30.304 PM	App                 	Current profile: Inactive		
0 	9/23/2021 7:02:30.310 PM	Server              	Started on port 7000		// web server started

// not so important
1 	9/23/2021 7:02:30.359 PM	App                 	Don't forget to register your license on the Settings page!
0 	9/23/2021 7:02:30.370 PM	New                 	Delete: nothing to do [1298/720 hrs, 69.6G/100.0G, 241.5G free] 1 locked
0 	9/23/2021 7:02:30.370 PM	Stored              	Delete: nothing to do [0/336 hrs, 0/0, 241.5G free]
0 	9/23/2021 7:02:30.371 PM	Alerts              	Delete: nothing to do [717/720 hrs, 1.12G/20.0G, 241.5G free] 2 locked
0 	9/23/2021 7:02:30.371 PM	AI                  	Delete: nothing to do [0/168 hrs, 0/5.00G, 241.5G free]
4 	9/23/2021 7:02:30.372 PM	Clips               	G:: 11467, 70.8G/125.0G (+187.3G)

0 	9/23/2021 7:02:30.417 PM	App                 	DeepStack has been started

// Then events associated with logging in
10	9/23/2021 7:02:33.418 PM	local_console       	::: Login		// local_console has logged into console
6 	9/23/2021 7:02:35.414 PM	News                	Zoom customer workshop
0 	9/23/2021 7:02:35.419 PM	App                 	DeepStack responding at

Service: Close the BI console. BI is running as a service.

Code: Select all

0 	9/23/2021 6:59:39.235 PM	App                 	Console: disconnected	// Console connection disconnected
10	9/23/2021 6:59:41.064 PM	local_console       	::: Logout, 128:46	// local_console logged out.  Connected for 126 min. and 46 sec.
Not a service: Close the BI console. BI not running as a service.
Need to stop the application too.

Code: Select all

10	9/23/2021 7:48:15.721 PM	local_console       	::: Logout, 45:47	// local_console logged out.  Logged into for 45 min and 47 sec.
0 	9/23/2021 7:48:15.728 PM	App                 	Stopped			// BI application was stopped
Watchdog Push Events

Push for ON loss Signal

Code: Select all

1 9/18/2021 1:17:25.632 PM ADF7                 Signal: network retry
10 9/18/2021 1:17:30.678 PM Server               ::: Connected
// No explicit watchdog mention.  However, the Push was right before camera ADF7 loss of signal.
// Easy to ascertain this is probably a Watchdog Push.
0 9/18/2021 1:17:30.842 PM ADF7                 Push: OK to Galaxy S10		
Push for On signal restoration

Code: Select all

4 9/18/2021 1:18:29.682 PM ADF7                 Signal: restored
10 9/18/2021 1:18:29.790 PM Server               ::: Connected
// Similar to above, no explicit Watchdog entry
// Based on proximity to Signal restore, must be a Watchdog restore event.
0 9/18/2021 1:18:29.877 PM ADF7                 Push: OK to Galaxy S10
ONVIF Trigger Events
1 8/29/2021 10:09:32.532 AM Cam20 Events: subscription 00000190
1 8/11/2021 2:19:32.323 PM barn Events: request 8000ffff
3 8/11/2021 2:19:34.522 PM barn EXTERNAL
If you setup ONVIF triggers, the above events should be seen in the logs.

If not, follow steps below.
Confirm your camera supports ONVIF triggers.
Confirm you have the correct ONVIF port number entered in the IP Config Dialog. Camera settings -> Video tab -> Configure button.
You can use the Find/Inspect button to query the ONVIF status.

Engineering may need to get involved via remote testing of the camera.
Respond with a WAN address for this camera for testing purposes with necessary ports, usually just 80 and 554 (RTSP) and ONVIF (usually 8999 but could be different).  Don't forget a temp login to the camera (not BI web server) as well.

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