Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
Thanks Tim for the response. Based on what you said, I tried it again and it does work. It seems there a 2-3min delay between power on and the notification being enabled. Seems I didn't wait long enough before testing it previously. I do notice that BI registers two visitor events delayed by a few seconds when the button is pushed which is a bit annoying.
I'm also using HS4. However, I have a more confined network set up where all cameras are only accessible by BI. The BI alert does what I need now with the visitor notification working. I use MQTT in an BI alert to signal HS as a trigger. The only thing that I really wish I have is 2-way audio using the BI phone app. I'll make a request to Ken to see if this is possible. Don't think this doorbell supports profile T. Is it what's needed to get 2-way audio? I currently have the Yoosee SD-M5 1080p doorbell cam and this Reolink is way better in quality at just a slightly higher price point. Thanks again for your input.
I'm also using HS4. However, I have a more confined network set up where all cameras are only accessible by BI. The BI alert does what I need now with the visitor notification working. I use MQTT in an BI alert to signal HS as a trigger. The only thing that I really wish I have is 2-way audio using the BI phone app. I'll make a request to Ken to see if this is possible. Don't think this doorbell supports profile T. Is it what's needed to get 2-way audio? I currently have the Yoosee SD-M5 1080p doorbell cam and this Reolink is way better in quality at just a slightly higher price point. Thanks again for your input.
Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
I presently have HS4 on the home LAN with a second NIC connecting that computer to the BI5 CCTV LAN just for the ONVIF commands.
Let us know what Ken says regarding the two way audio. I knew I would lose it wiring it up like this, but I think the security benefits presently outweigh the loss of it.
Let us know what Ken says regarding the two way audio. I knew I would lose it wiring it up like this, but I think the security benefits presently outweigh the loss of it.
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
Jumping on this thread... I am just finishing installing the Reolink doorbell. (replacing Ring - since it does not interact with BI).
The Reolink screenshot in this thread - where is it located. At this point, I have only installed the iPhone Reolink app. Is it on the Reolink website? (I couldn't find it on the app)
I used the IP Address of the Reolink Doorbell to add the 'camera' into BI, but it is not seeing it. So, out of the gate, I'm doing something wrong. Can somebody walk me through the setup?
Appreciate any help available.
The Reolink screenshot in this thread - where is it located. At this point, I have only installed the iPhone Reolink app. Is it on the Reolink website? (I couldn't find it on the app)
I used the IP Address of the Reolink Doorbell to add the 'camera' into BI, but it is not seeing it. So, out of the gate, I'm doing something wrong. Can somebody walk me through the setup?
Appreciate any help available.
Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
I can't remember if I initially set up the password with the mobile app (But I'm sure you know!), but all you do next is access the Reolink with a browser and the known IP address. When you see this page, log in with those details:
Click on the cog for settings, and then Network, and "Set Up" under Server settings. That should give you this screen - these are my present working settings:
Press Save.
If you now try a BI5 Find/inspect it should fill in the missing details, but if it doesn't, these are my present settings:
I have used it in RTMP mode, but I lost the sub-stream doing that, so back to these settings which have worked well all year. Audio seems weak compared to my other cameras, but it is there. Let us know if that helps. I can dig in a bit further if you get stuck anywhere
Click on the cog for settings, and then Network, and "Set Up" under Server settings. That should give you this screen - these are my present working settings:
Press Save.
If you now try a BI5 Find/inspect it should fill in the missing details, but if it doesn't, these are my present settings:
I have used it in RTMP mode, but I lost the sub-stream doing that, so back to these settings which have worked well all year. Audio seems weak compared to my other cameras, but it is there. Let us know if that helps. I can dig in a bit further if you get stuck anywhere

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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
Awesome. Thanks. I had not downloaded the RL Client and toggled the settings. Everything works... now to figure out the BI Trigger settings that I want. (Perhaps I'll just take the 'win' for the day)
Learning a lot. Again, thanks.
Learning a lot. Again, thanks.
Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
I just bought this doorbell. Pretty good so far. Have you managed tob get 2 way talk working? I want to keep the doorbell of the cloud and local access only but I really need it to have 2 way talk enabled!
I have home assistant setup so I can get doorbell alerts via push messages from that. Just can't find a descent guide on how to get 2 way talk working!
I have home assistant setup so I can get doorbell alerts via push messages from that. Just can't find a descent guide on how to get 2 way talk working!
Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
No, I'm afraid I have no use for the function. I suggest you email Support to ask if they can add it.
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
Has anyone managed to get it taking a snapshot when someone rings the doorbell. I have BI motion detection working and its fine. Just ideally want a mugshot when someone pushes the doorbell as that will probably the be the best shot faceshot i can get of them.
I enabled ONVIF events but couldn't see anything showing "visitor" or something similar. I saw "State="true"" - Not sure if this was the push button?
I enabled ONVIF events but couldn't see anything showing "visitor" or something similar. I saw "State="true"" - Not sure if this was the push button?
Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
It does work. The camera sends out an ONVIF command called "Visitor" when the doorbell is pressed (If you have enabled ONVIF in the actual camera). The issue is capturing that with BI5 and doing something with it.
1. Looking at Reolink camera settings in BI5, go to the Trigger tab and ensure "Onvif/camera events" is ticked.
2. Now go to the "General" tab. Do you see "GetEvents OK" ?
If not you are not ready and need to sort out why BI5 cannot access the ONVIF commands.
3. IF OK, go back to the Trigger tab. Now click on the ONVIF Configure button.
4. If you want you can edit the existing rules or add your own. For simplicity I deleted most of them and edited others:
The rule we are interested in is the Visitor one and it looks like this:
This allows BI5 to trigger this rule when the camera sends out the Visitor command. The actual command from the camera is in the xml window but only stays there for a few seconds so is hard to catch - but you don't need to. If you are interested, it looks like this:
The Memo/label is changed to "OnvifVisitor" for the email in the next stage.
5. Go to Alerts/Actions/On Alert and create an email alert action with your previously configured email details (Not discussed in this post).
Here you will see the "OnvifVisitor" label from the rule above being used to enable this event. It can only send an email if Onvif Visitor was sent by the camera.
I hope the images make it clear what to do. Let us know how you get on.
1. Looking at Reolink camera settings in BI5, go to the Trigger tab and ensure "Onvif/camera events" is ticked.
2. Now go to the "General" tab. Do you see "GetEvents OK" ?
If not you are not ready and need to sort out why BI5 cannot access the ONVIF commands.
3. IF OK, go back to the Trigger tab. Now click on the ONVIF Configure button.
4. If you want you can edit the existing rules or add your own. For simplicity I deleted most of them and edited others:
The rule we are interested in is the Visitor one and it looks like this:
This allows BI5 to trigger this rule when the camera sends out the Visitor command. The actual command from the camera is in the xml window but only stays there for a few seconds so is hard to catch - but you don't need to. If you are interested, it looks like this:
All you need to know is that our rule has seen "Changed" for "Visitor".<wsnt:Topic Dialect=" ... t">tns1:[b]RuleEngine/MyRuleDetector/Visitor[/b]</wsnt:Topic>
<tt:Message PropertyOperation="Changed" UtcTime="2024-01-21T11:45:45Z">
The Memo/label is changed to "OnvifVisitor" for the email in the next stage.
5. Go to Alerts/Actions/On Alert and create an email alert action with your previously configured email details (Not discussed in this post).
Here you will see the "OnvifVisitor" label from the rule above being used to enable this event. It can only send an email if Onvif Visitor was sent by the camera.
I hope the images make it clear what to do. Let us know how you get on.
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Re: Reolink doorbell camera - Onvif commands
Thank you so much for the fantastic detailed post with all the steps. I will give this a go in a couple of days. I had an issue where the camera kept dropping out. turns out the flat ethernet cable i bought from Amazon was dropping pings intermittently causing the doorbell to loose connection! Took me a few days to get to the root cause!
Waiting for a new cable to arrive so i can install it and then I will give this a go!
I got the visitor button working in Home assistant - so doorbell press sets a trigger via the url but there is obviously a slight delay in this approach. Whilst is does work I would like to switch to your approach on BI directly. I also found the Home Assistant instance just completely stopped working when i tried setting this up last time but hoping this was more a faulty cable issue than onvif events working in both BI and Home assistant. Lets see!
Waiting for a new cable to arrive so i can install it and then I will give this a go!
I got the visitor button working in Home assistant - so doorbell press sets a trigger via the url but there is obviously a slight delay in this approach. Whilst is does work I would like to switch to your approach on BI directly. I also found the Home Assistant instance just completely stopped working when i tried setting this up last time but hoping this was more a faulty cable issue than onvif events working in both BI and Home assistant. Lets see!