Intersil TW6869 Analog Capture Card How to use with BI?

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Re: Intersil TW6869 Analog Capture Card How to use with BI?

Post by TimG »

My assumption is that the cameras or wiring would be prohibitively expensive to replace, so requiring analogue cards for the existing cameras.

The Help file states:
USB, Firewire (IEEE-1394) and Analog cameras (via digitizing device) may be added. In all cases, compatible Windows DirectShow drivers must be available. That is, the camera should be working outside of Blue Iris using general Windows software such as Movie Maker or AmCap. If the device requires proprietary software from the manufacturer for operation, it may not be compatible with Blue Iris. When a compatible device is selected,
you may edit its Advanced properties
With that in mind, if you cannot get the cards seen by BI5, then the next option could be an NVR with analogue inputs. That can either be used as a standalone device, or again **some** can be used as an interface for Blue Iris. It's up to you.
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Re: Intersil TW6869 Analog Capture Card How to use with BI?

Post by HeneryH »

Can you get the cameras to appear in any of the Windows apps that are noted in the help text that Tim pasted?
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Re: Intersil TW6869 Analog Capture Card How to use with BI?

Post by n4bme »

Part of me agrees with you, I have no analog cameras in my residential system but the analog ecosystem is very alive and well. I'd guess that the installed base of CCTV cameras is over 70% analog outside of a taxpayer funded installation. For what most of these people are doing it's just fine. Some of the biggest retailers you see daily are installing analog cameras, the cost effectiveness cannot be disputed.
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